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Last active August 2, 2017 13:47
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This library contains all the revIgniter code for Livecode.
--> MetaData
copyright: David Bovill
license: GPLv3
name: lib_RevIgniter
type: script library
version: 0.5
This library contains all the revIgniter code for Livecode.
Moved out exif handlers. Out of sync with library stack on
--> rig | Use
command rig_UseShortLibs shortFiles, pLibPath
if the platform is not "server" then return false
replace comma with CR in shortFiles
if pLibPath is empty then
put "/var/www/html/system/application/" into pLibPath
end if
repeat for each line shortFile in shortFiles
put pLibPath & shortFile into libFile
if exists (stack libFile) then
start using stack libFile
end if
end repeat
return true
end rig_UseShortLibs
--> rig | Assets
command rig_AssetFetchAndSaveImage imageURL, pUseCurl
set the itemdelimiter to slash
put item -1 of imageURL into shortFile
put rig_AssetImageFolder() into imageAssetFolder
put imageAssetFolder & shortFile into imagePath
put shortFile into resultArray ["shortFile"]
put there is a file imagePath into resultArray ["file exists"]
put imageAssetFolder into resultArray ["imageAssetFolder"]
put imagePath into resultArray ["imagePath"]
put "" & shortFile into assetURL
put assetURL into resultArray ["assetURL"]
set the defaultfolder to imageAssetFolder
if pUseCurl is true then
put "curl -O" && kwote (imageURL) into someShell
put shell (SomeShell) into fetchResult
put shellResult into resultArray ["shellResult"]
put url imageURL into url ("binfile:" & imagePath)
if the result is not empty then
put the result into resultArray ["shellResult"]
end if
end if
put exif_GetInfoArray (imagePath) into exifArray
put exifArray into resultArray ["exifArray"]
return resultArray
end rig_AssetFetchAndSaveImage
function rig_AssetImageFile shortFile
put rig_AssetImageFolder() & shortFile into imageFile
return imageFile
end rig_AssetImageFile
function rig_AssetImageFolder
switch the platform
case "MacOS"
return "/Users/BabyBlue/Pictures/OSCEDays Bilbao/"
put the defaultfolder & "/assets/img/" into imageFolder
return imageFolder
end switch
end rig_AssetImageFolder
--> revIgniter
function rig_ConstructRouteArray
-- this code is taken directly from
-- maybe it should use introspection on get access to global gRoute on server
-- is there a revIgnitor function for this?
put "api/bookget/$1" into gRoute[8]["api/book/get/(:any)"]
put "api/bookupdate/$1" into gRoute[9]["api/book/update/(:any)"]
put "api/bookinsert/$1" into gRoute[10]["api/book/new/(:any)"]
put "api/savecover/$1" into gRoute[11]["api/book/setcover/(:any)"]
put "books/sender/$1/$2" into gRoute[12]["books/(:any)/web/(:any)"]
put "listen/index/$1/mp3" into gRoute[13]["listen/(:any)"]
put "listen/index/$1/$2" into gRoute[14]["listen/(:any)/(:any)"]
put "bodhinatha" into gRoute[29]["bodhinatha/:any"]
put "manager" into gRoute[15]["manager/:any"]
put "info" into gRoute[15]["info/:any"]
put "monastery" into gRoute[16]["monastery/:any"]
put "readlearn" into gRoute[17]["readlearn/:any"]
put "looklisten" into gRoute[18]["looklisten/:any"]
put "donations/student-donate" into gRoute[26]["livespiritually/become-student/donate"]
put "livespiritually" into gRoute[19]["livespiritually/:any"]
put "visit" into gRoute[27]["visit/:any"]
put "donations" into gRoute[20]["donations/:any"]
put "site/viewmedia/$1" into gRoute[21]["view/(:any)"]
put "site/downloadfile/$1" into gRoute[22]["download/(:any)"]
put "cloudreader/readbook/$1" into gRoute[23]["readbook/(:any)"]
put "site/reviews/$1" into gRoute[24]["reviews/(:any)"]
put "cloudreader/simplereader/$1" into gRoute[25]["book/(:any)"]
put "cloudreader/simplereader/$1/$2" into gRoute[26]["book/(:any)/(:any)"]
# put "cloudreader/simplereader/$1/$2" into gRoute[27]["media/books/(:any)/web/ops/xhtml/(:any)"]
put "cloudreader/bookPageToSpineNo/$1/$2" into gRoute[27]["media/books/(:any)/web/ops/xhtml/(:any)"]
put "site/viewmedia/$1" into gRoute[28]["apps/(:any)"]
return gRoute
end rig_ConstructRouteArray
--> revIgniter | Wiki
function rig_ConstructFedwikiPageArray headerPageArray
local lookUpArray, markdownTOC, pVersionNum
put headerPageArray [1] into topSectionArray
put topSectionArray ["@attributes"]["title"] into pageTitle
put topSectionArray ["@content"] into rigPageContentArray
put pageTitle into fedwikiPageArray ["title"]
rig_AddContentToFedwikiPageArray fedwikiPageArray, rigPageContentArray
-- make a TOC
rig_ConstructMarkdownToc topSectionArray, 1, lookUpArray, markdownTOC
put "# TOC" & CR before markdownTOC
fedwiki_AddMarkdownToPageArray fedwikiPageArray, markdownTOC
put rig_ConstructSourceArray (pageTitle, sourceUrl, lookUpArray, pVersionNum) into sourceArray
put fedwiki_ConstructJournalArray (pageTitle, sourceArray) into fedwikiPageArray ["journal"]
return fedwikiPageArray
end rig_ConstructFedwikiPageArray
private function rig_ConstructSourceArray pageTitle, sourceUrl, lookUpArray, pVersionNum
put "" into transportURL
put ",lc" into repoURL
put the milliseconds into dateTransported
put fedwiki_ConstructCreateSourceArray (transportURL, sourceUrl, dateTransported, repoURL, pVersionNum) into pSourceArray
put pageTitle into pSourceArray ["pageTitle"]
if lookUpArray is an array then
put lookUpArray into pSourceArray ["link_dictionary"]
end if
return pSourceArray
end rig_ConstructSourceArray
private command rig_ConstructMarkdownToc sectionArray, sectionPath, @lookUpArray, @markdownTOC
put (the number of lines of the keys of sectionArray) - 2 into subSectionNum
repeat with sectionNum = subSectionNum down to 1
put sectionArray [sectionNum] into subSectionArray
put subSectionArray ["@attributes"] into attributeArray
put attributeArray ["title"] into sectionTitle
put attributeArray ["level"] into sectionLevel
put sectionPath & comma & sectionNum into subSectionPath
put subSectionPath into lookUpArray [sectionTitle]["sectionPath"]
put sectionLevel into lookUpArray [sectionTitle]["sectionLevel"]
put sectionNum into lookUpArray [sectionTitle]["sectionNum"]
-- don't really need this as the idea is to fetch it with sectionPath and sourceURL
put subSectionArray ["@content"] into lookUpArray [sectionTitle]["@content"]
put "* [[" & sectionTitle & "]]" & CR before markdownTOC
end repeat
delete char -1 of markdownTOC
end rig_ConstructMarkdownToc
command rig_AddContentToFedwikiPageArray @fedwikiPageArray, sectionContentArray
repeat for each key itemNum in sectionContentArray
put sectionContentArray [itemNum] into someHTML
-- here we can tidy and process each section
fedwiki_AddHtmlToPageArray fedwikiPageArray, someHTML
end switch
end repeat
end rig_AddContentToFedwikiPageArray
command rig_ScrapeHeadings someHtml, @pageTitle, @handlerNames, @handerTitleNodes
-- revXMLDeleteAllTrees
if pTidyIsTrue then html_Tidy someHtml
put revXMLCreateTree (someHTML, false, true, false) into treeID
put scrapeID_GetDiv (treeID, "id", "content") into contentsDiv
put xpath_ConstructHeadingPath (1, "content") into someXPath
put word 1 to -1 of line 1 of revXMLDataFromXPathQuery (treeID, someXPath) into pageTitle
put xpath_ConstructHeadingPath (3, "content") into someXPath
put word 1 to -1 of revXMLEvaluateXPath (treeID, someXPath) into handerTitleNodes
put revXMLDataFromXPathQuery (treeID, someXPath) into handlerNames
rig_CleanHandlerNames handlerNames
put scrapeID_ConstructHeaderPageArray (treeID) into headerPageArray
revDeleteXMLTree treeID
return headerPageArray
end rig_ScrapeHeadings
command rig_CleanHandlerNames @someContent
put "[^\)]*" into notaBracket
put "\(" & notaBracket & "\)" into someReg
put "\n" after someReg
put word 1 to -1 of replaceText (someContent, someReg, empty) into someContent
end rig_CleanHandlerNames
--> Rig | List
function rig_ListHelperFiles
put rig_GetFolder ("helpers") into someFolder
put rig_ListFiles (someFolder) into shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_ListHelperFiles
function rig_ListControllerFiles
put rig_GetFolder ("controllers") into someFolder
put rig_ListFiles (someFolder) into shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_ListControllerFiles
function rig_ListStackFiles
put rig_GetFolder ("stacks") into someFolder
put rig_ListFiles (someFolder) into shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_ListStackFiles
function rig_ListSystemHelperFiles
put rig_GetSystemFolder ("helpers") into someFolder
put rig_ListFiles (someFolder) into shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_ListSystemHelperFiles
function rig_ListFiles someFolder
if the environment = "server" then
put rig_ListServerFiles (someFolder) into shortFiles
put rig_FetchPathArray (someFolder) into fileArray
put rig_SortAndFilterCodeFiles (fileArray) into shortFiles
end if
return shortFiles
end rig_ListFiles
function rig_ListServerFiles someFolder
put rigGetFileNames (someFolder) into shortFiles
set the columndelimiter to CR
combine shortFiles by column
sort shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_ListServerFiles
--> revIgniter | Fetch
function rig_FetchController shortFile, pServerURL
put rig_GetFolder ("controllers") & shortFile into somePath
put rig_FetchFile (somePath, pServerURL) into someData
return someData
end rig_FetchController
function rig_FetchStack shortFile, pServerURL
put rig_GetFolder ("stacks") & shortFile into somePath
put rig_FetchFile (somePath, pServerURL) into someData
return someData
end rig_FetchStack
function rig_FetchSystemHelper shortFile, pServerURL
put rig_GetFolder ("helpers") & shortFile into somePath
put rig_FetchFile (somePath, pServerURL) into someData
return someData
end rig_FetchSystemHelper
function rig_FetchProjectFile shortFile, shortFolder, pServerURL
put rig_GetFolder ("helpers") & shortFile into somePath
put rig_FetchFile (somePath, pServerURL) into someData
return someData
end rig_FetchProjectFile
function rig_FetchSystemFile shortStackFile, shortFolder, pServerURL
put rig_GetSystemFolder (shortFolder) & shortStackFile into somePath
put rig_FetchFile (somePath, pServerURL) into someData
return someData
end rig_FetchSystemFile
function rig_FetchFile somePath, pServerURL
if pServerURL is not empty then
put server_GetURL() into oServerURL
server_LoadDetails pServerURL
end if
put server_GetURL() into serverAddress
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
put server_FetchFile (somePath, serverAddress, sshUser) into stackOrScript
if pServerURL is not empty then
server_LoadDetails oServerURL
end if
return stackOrScript
end rig_FetchFile
--> revIgniter | Store
command rig_StoreController shortFile, rigScript
put rig_ApplicationPath ("controllers/" & shortFile) into somePath
rig_StoreData rigScript, somePath
put the result into shellResult
return shellResult
end rig_StoreController
command rig_StoreStacks stackNames
repeat for each line stackName in stackNames
set the cursor to busy
rig_StoreStack stackName
end repeat
end rig_StoreStacks
command rig_StoreStack stackName
if exists (stack stackName) is false then
return merge ("error, stack '[[stackName]]' does not exist")
end if
put the name of stack stackName into stackObject
save stackObject
put the filename of stack stackName into localFile
set the itemdelimiter to slash
put item -1 of localFile into shortFile
put rig_GetFolder ("stacks") & shortFile into somePath
rig_UploadLocalFile localFile, somePath
return the result
end rig_StoreStack
command rig_StoreStackData shortFile, stackData
put rig_ApplicationPath ("stacks/" & shortFile) into somePath
put rig_GetFolder ("stacks") & shortFile into somePath
rig_StoreData stackData, somePath
return the result
end rig_StoreStackData
command rig_UploadLocalFile localFile, pathToStore
put server_GetURL() into serverAddress
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
server_StoreFile localFile, pathToStore, serverAddress, sshUser
put the result into someResult
return someResult
end rig_UploadLocalFile
command rig_StoreData someData, somePath
put server_GetURL() into serverAddress
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
server_StoreData someData, somePath, serverAddress, sshUser
put the result into someResult
return someResult
end rig_StoreData
command rig_DeleteStack shortStackFile, pDontNotify
-- should really do this checking on the shortStackFile first
put rig_GetFolder ("stacks") & shortStackFile into stackPath
put server_GetURL() into remoteDomain
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
-- should do some checks to make sure it is a stack and not a folder?
put server_FileInfoArray (stackPath) into fileArray
case fileArray ["isFolder"] is true
put merge ("Did not delete folder from [[remoteDomain]]. rig_DeleteStack does not allow deletion of folders.") into someComment
if pDontNotify is not true then opn_Notify someComment
return someComment
case fileArray ["file"] is empty
put merge ("Did not delete file [[shortStackFile]] from [[remoteDomain]]. It does not exist.") into someComment
if pDontNotify is not true then opn_Notify someComment
return someComment
case fileArray ["fileExtension"] is not among the items of "lc,livecode,rev,livecodescript"
put merge ("Did not delete file [[shortStackFile]] from [[remoteDomain]]. It was not a stack.") into someComment
if pDontNotify is not true then opn_Notify someComment
return someComment
-- it's a livecode file
end switch
shell_DeleteFile sshUser, remoteDomain, stackPath
put the result into someResult
if pDontNotify is not true then
put merge ("Deleted stack [[shortStackFile]] from [[remoteDomain]]!") into someComment
opn_Notify someComment
end if
return someResult
end rig_DeleteStack
--> revIgniter | Path | Array
function rig_FetchControllerPathArray
put rig_ControllerFolder () into controllerFolder
put rig_FetchPathArray (controllerFolder) into fileArray
return fileArray
end rig_FetchControllerPathArray
function rig_FetchStackPathArray
put rig_StackFolder () into controllerFolder
put rig_FetchPathArray (controllerFolder) into fileArray
return fileArray
end rig_FetchStackPathArray
function rig_FetchPathArray someFolder
put server_GetURL() into serverURL
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
put server_GetSshKeyPath() into sshKeyPath
put server_FetchFileArray (serverURL, sshUser, someFolder, sshKeyPath) into fileAndFolderArray
-- this does not take into account any nested controller folders
-- put fileAndFolderArray ["folder"] into nestedFolderArray
put fileAndFolderArray ["file"] into filePathArray
return filePathArray
end rig_FetchPathArray
function rig_SortAndFilterCodeFiles fileArray
put keys (fileArray) into shortFiles
line_Delete "index.html", shortFiles
line_Delete "", shortFiles
sort shortFiles
return shortFiles
end rig_SortAndFilterCodeFiles
--> Rig | Files
function rig_StackPath shortPath
put rig_GetApplicationFolder() into someFolder
put someFolder & shortPath into serverStackPath
return serverStackPath
end rig_StackPath
function rig_ControllerPath pShortControllerFile
put rig_ApplicationPath ("controllers/" & pShortControllerFile) into somePath
return somePath
end rig_ControllerPath
--> Rig | Folders
function rig_HelperFolder
put rig_GetFolder ("helpers") into someFolder
return someFolder
end rig_HelperFolder
function rig_StackFolder
put rig_GetApplicationFolder() into someFolder
put "stacks/" after someFolder
return someFolder
end rig_StackFolder
function rig_GetFolder shortFolder
put rig_GetApplicationFolder() into someFolder
put shortFolder & "/" after someFolder
return someFolder
end rig_GetFolder
function rig_ControllerFolder
if the environment = "server" then
return gAPPPATH & "controllers/"
put rig_GetServerApplicationFolder() into rigApplicationFolder
text_AddTrailing rigApplicationFolder, "/"
put "controllers/" after rigApplicationFolder
return rigApplicationFolder
end if
end rig_ControllerFolder
function rig_RoutingScript
-- was "rig_RoutingScript"
put rig_ApplicationPath() & "/config/" into somePath
put server_GetURL() into serverAddress
put server_GetSshUser() into sshUser
put server_FetchFile (somePath, serverAddress, sshUser) into rigScript
return rigScript
end rig_RoutingScript
function rig_ApplicationPath pShortpath
-- was "revigniter_ApplicationPath"
put rig_GetApplicationFolder() into rigApplicationPath
if pShortpath is not empty then put pShortpath after rigApplicationPath
return rigApplicationPath
end rig_ApplicationPath
function rig_GetSystemFolder pFolder
-- quick hack
-- this depends on the site specific configuration
-- ie is it configured to have multiple sites
if the environment = "server" then
put gAPPPATH into rigSystemFolder
put rig_GetServerApplicationFolder() into rigSystemFolder
end if
-- here is the hack :)
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
if server_GetURL() = "" then
delete item -1 of rigSystemFolder
delete item -2 to -1 of rigSystemFolder
end if
text_AddTrailing rigSystemFolder, "/"
if pFolder is not empty then
put pFolder & "/" after rigSystemFolder
end if
return rigSystemFolder
end rig_GetSystemFolder
--> Server | Remote | Rig | Paths
function rig_GetApplicationFolder
if the environment = "server" then
put gAPPPATH into rigApplicationFolder
put rig_GetServerApplicationFolder() into rigApplicationFolder
end if
text_AddTrailing rigApplicationFolder, "/"
return rigApplicationFolder
end rig_GetApplicationFolder
--> Private | revIgniter
private function text_Indent someText
-- this is the minimal version of "outline_IncreaseIndent"
repeat with lineNum = 1 to the number of lines of someText
put tab before line lineNum of someText
end repeat
return someText
end text_Indent
private command text_Indent @someText, pIndentChars
if pIndentChars is empty then put " " into pIndentChars
repeat for each line someLine in someText
put pIndentChars & someLine & CR after newText
end repeat
delete char -1 of newText
put newText into someText
end text_Indent
--> Deps
function script_HkeysFromAvailable handlerTable, someScript, pReturnHow
repeat for each line someLine in handlerTable
put word 1 of someLine into handlerType
if handlerType is not "M" then next repeat
put word 3 of someLine into startLineNum
-- put word 4 of someLine into endLineNum
put line startLineNum of someScript into startLine
if word 1 of startLine is not "on" then next repeat
put word 2 of someLine into hName
switch pReturnHow
case "hKey"
put hName,hType,tObject,1 & CR after hKeys
case "name"
put hName & CR after hKeys
put hName,hType & CR after hKeys
end switch
end repeat
delete char -1 of hKeys
return hKeys
end script_HkeysFromAvailable
command opn_Notify someMessage, isSticky, paramArray
-- see ""
replace "'" with quote in someMessage
if paramArray is an array then put text_Merge (someMessage, paramArray) into someMessage
switch the platform
case "MacOS"
osx_Notify someMessage, isSticky
put someMessage
end switch
end opn_Notify
command osx_Notify someMessage, pTitle
case version_IsEarlier (the systemversion, "10.9")
put someMessage
return "Old OSX system with growl not installed."
-- it's Mavericks or above
-- osascript -e 'display notification "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" with title "Title"'
replace quote with empty in someMessage
if pTitle is empty then put "LiveWorld Notification" into pTitle
put "osascript -e" && "'" & "display notification" && kwote (someMessage) into someShell
put "with title" && kwote (pTitle) after someShell
put "'" after someShell
put shell (someShell) into shellResult
return shellResult
end switch
end osx_Notify
function array_Fetch someFile
put url ("binfile:" & someFile) into encodedDataArray
if encodedDataArray is empty then return empty
put arraydecode (encodedDataArray) into modelArray
return modelArray
end array_Fetch
command folder_CreateNested @someFolder
text_AddTrailing someFolder, slash
if there is a folder someFolder then return empty
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
repeat with itemNum = 1 to the number of items of someFolder
put item 1 to itemNum of someFolder & "/" into testFolder
if there is a folder testFolder then next repeat
create folder testFolder
end repeat
end folder_CreateNested
function kwote someText
put quote & someText & quote into quotedText
return quotedText
end kwote
command text_AddTrailing @someText, someChar
if char -1 of someText is not someChar then
put someChar after someText
end if
end text_AddTrailing
function version_IsEarlier testVersion, refVersion
get _convertVersionToNumber (refVersion)
put it > _convertVersionToNumber (testVersion) into isEarlier
return isEarlier
end version_IsEarlier
function _convertVersionToNumber someVersion
-- assumes a version of the format ###.###.###
-- to be safe each number can be up to 3 digits (they are usually 2)
set the itemdelimiter to "."
set the numberformat to "000"
put (item 1 of someVersion + 0) & (item 2 of someVersion + 0) & (item 3 of someVersion + 0) into someNum
return someNum
end _convertVersionToNumber
function text_Merge mergeText, paramArray
-- was "text_Merge"
repeat for each key someKey in paramArray
put paramArray [someKey] into someValue
put "put someValue into" && someKey into doScript
do doScript
end repeat
put merge (mergeText) into translatedText
return translatedText
end text_Merge
getprop stack_Object
return the defaultstack
end stack_Object
function file_DetailedInfo filePath
if filePath is empty then return empty
put filePath into someDirectory
if there is a file filePath then
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
put last item of filePath into shortFileName
delete last item of someDirectory
put the directory into oDirectory
set the directory to someDirectory
put the detailed files into detailedFileTable
set the directory to oDirectory
put urlencode(shortFileName) into shortFileName -- seems to need it again???
filter detailedFileTable with (shortFileName & ",*")
return detailedFileTable
else if there is a folder filePath then
put the directory into oDirectory
set the directory to someDirectory
put the detailed files into detailedFileTable
set the directory to oDirectory
return detailedFileTable
return empty
end if
end file_DetailedInfo
function file_GetSize filePath
get file_DetailedInfo (filePath)
return item 2 of it
end file_GetSize
command html_Tidy @someHtml
put the tempname & ".html" into inputFile
put someHtml into url ("file:" & inputFile)
put "tidy --force-output true --char-encoding utf8 --input-encoding utf8 --output-encoding utf8 --output-xml true -asxml -m" && inputFile into someShell
put shell (someShell) into shellResult
put url ("file:" & inputFile) into someHtml
end html_Tidy
command line_Delete someLines, @fromContainer, partLine, skipLines
set the wholematches to (partLine is empty)
repeat with ii = 1 to the number of lines of someLines
put line ii of someLines into someLine
get lineoffset(someLine, fromContainer, skipLines)
if it is not 0 then
put it + skipLines into lineNum
delete line lineNum of fromContainer
end if
end repeat
return the number of lines of someIndex
end line_Delete
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