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(staging=1d531a) ~/misc/projects/borderstylo/chihuly> cap staging deploy
triggering load callbacks
* executing `staging'
* executing `deploy'
* executing `deploy:update'
** transaction: start
* executing `deploy:update_code'
triggering before callbacks for `deploy:update_code'
* executing `set_remote_branch'
updating the cached checkout on all servers
=> Bundling gems
Calculating dependencies…
Updating source:
Downloading addressable-2.2.2.gem
Caching: appengine-apis-0.0.21.gem
Downloading dm-appengine-0.1.2.gem
Downloading dm-core-1.0.2.gem
Downloading extlib-0.9.15.gem
Downloading lexidecimal-0.0.1.gem
Downloading sinatra-1.1.0.gem
require 'sinatra'
require 'dm-core'
# Configure DataMapper to use the App Engine datastore
DataMapper.setup(:default, "appengine://auto")
class Contact
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
gem "dm-appengine"
gem "sinatra"
application: contacts
version: 1
runtime: java
Successfully installed rack-1.2.1
Successfully installed jruby-rack-1.0.3
Successfully installed jruby-jars-1.5.3
Successfully installed appengine-rack-0.0.11
Successfully installed appengine-apis-0.0.21
Successfully installed appengine-sdk-1.3.8
Successfully installed bundler08-0.8.5
Successfully installed rubyzip-0.9.4
Successfully installed appengine-tools-0.0.16
Successfully installed google-appengine-0.0.18
result =
%Q{<li class='list-with-no-kids' path='help'>help</li>
<li class='list-with-no-kids' path='account'>account</li>
<li class='list-with-kids' path='feed,'>feed
<ul class='hide'><li class='list-with-no-kids' path='feed,top'>top</li>
<li class='list-with-kids' path='feed,main,'>main
<ul class='hide'><li class='list-with-no-kids' path='feed,main,left'>left</li>
<li class='list-with-no-kids' path='feed,main,right'>right</li>
how to remove a class from the kids?
$('.tree > ul > li').click(function(event){
$('.tree ul li').removeClass("selected");
$(this).find("ul > li").removeClass("selected");
<div class='tree'>
start report "New users on the last 7 days" period "every 11AM" emails ""
display LineChart
sum of created
from user_created
between 1 week ago and now
in days
display PieChart
sum of created
from user_created
# See
# for more details about Sinatra with Cucumber
require 'sinatra'
app_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. reports.rb])
require app_file
# Force the application name because polyglot breaks the auto-detection logic.
Sinatra::Application.app_file = app_file
require 'spec/expectations'