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orlp/gc.cpp Secret

Created September 10, 2015 18:33
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#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include "gc.h"
template<class T>
static inline T* align(T* ptr, std::size_t align) {
std::uintptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(ptr);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>((p + align - 1) & ~(align - 1));
namespace psil {
std::vector<Type>& get_type_info() {
static std::vector<Type> type_info;
return type_info;
const Type& get_type(TypeId id) { return get_type_info()[id]; }
TypeId register_type(std::string name, std::size_t size,
std::function<void(void*)> visitor,
std::function<void(void*, void*)> mover,
std::function<void(void*)> destructor) {
TypeId id = get_type_info().size();
get_type_info().push_back(Type{id, name, size, visitor, mover, destructor});
return id;
const Type& GCObject::type() const { return get_type(id); }
TypeId GCObject::type_id() const { return id; }
void* GCObject::data() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + sizeof(GCObject); }
GCObject* GCObject::from_data(void* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<GCObject*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data) - sizeof(GCObject));
std::size_t GCObject::size_on_heap() const {
const char* base = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this);
return align(base + sizeof(GCObject) + type().size, alignof(GCObject)) - base;
struct GC {
GC() : heap(128), heap_ptr(, alive_size(0), updating_locations(false) { }
~GC() {
char* iter_heap_ptr =;
GCObject* obj;
while ((obj = next_on_heap(iter_heap_ptr, heap_ptr))) {
auto type = obj->type();
if (type.destructor) type.destructor(obj->data());
GCObject* alloc(TypeId type_id) {
auto type = get_type(type_id);
heap_ptr = align(heap_ptr, alignof(GCObject));
std::size_t heap_free = + heap.size() - heap_ptr;
if (heap_free < sizeof(GCObject) + type.size) {
collect(alignof(GCObject) + sizeof(GCObject) + type.size + 128);
heap_ptr = align(heap_ptr, alignof(GCObject));
auto obj_location = heap_ptr;
heap_ptr += sizeof(GCObject) + type.size;
return new (obj_location) GCObject(type_id);
void visit(GCObject*& obj, bool weak) {
if (updating_locations) {
if (obj) obj = obj->new_location;
if (!obj || obj->marked || weak) return;
obj->marked = true;
alive_size += obj->size_on_heap();
auto visitor = obj->type().visitor;
if (visitor) visitor(obj->data());
void collect(std::size_t extra_space) {
// Mark alive objects and get total size of alive objects.
alive_size = 0;
for (auto ref : refs) visit(ref->obj, false);
// Allocate new heap.
std::vector<char> new_heap(alignof(GCObject) + alive_size * 1.5 + extra_space);
// Loop over all objects, copy to new heap if alive, destruct if dead.
char* iter_heap_ptr =;
char* new_heap_ptr =;
GCObject* obj;
while ((obj = next_on_heap(iter_heap_ptr, heap_ptr))) move_if_alive(obj, new_heap_ptr);
// Use new heap.
heap_ptr = new_heap_ptr;
heap.swap(new_heap); // Swap to keep old heap alive until we update locations.
GCObject* next_on_heap(char*& heap_ptr, char* heap_end) {
if (heap_ptr >= heap_end) return nullptr;
heap_ptr = align(heap_ptr, alignof(GCObject));
auto obj = reinterpret_cast<GCObject*>(heap_ptr);
heap_ptr += sizeof(GCObject) + obj->type().size;
return obj;
void move_if_alive(GCObject* obj, char*& new_heap_ptr) {
auto type = obj->type();
GCObject* new_obj = nullptr;
if (obj->marked) {
new_heap_ptr = align(new_heap_ptr, alignof(GCObject));
new_obj = reinterpret_cast<GCObject*>(new_heap_ptr);
new (new_obj) GCObject(obj->id);
new_heap_ptr += sizeof(GCObject);
if (type.mover) type.mover(new_heap_ptr, obj->data());
else std::memcpy(new_heap_ptr, obj->data(), type.size);
new_heap_ptr += type.size;
if (type.destructor) type.destructor(obj->data());
obj->new_location = new_obj;
void update_locations() {
updating_locations = true;
// All references are still alive, we can just assign without checks.
for (auto ref : refs) ref->obj = ref->obj->new_location;
// Weak references might get removed, iterate over copy.
std::vector<GCWeakRef*> weakrefs_copy = weakrefs;
for (auto ref : weakrefs_copy) ref->reset(ref->obj->new_location);
auto iter_heap_ptr =;
GCObject* obj;
while ((obj = next_on_heap(iter_heap_ptr, heap_ptr))) {
auto type = obj->type();
if (type.visitor) type.visitor(obj->data());
updating_locations = false;
std::vector<char> heap;
char* heap_ptr;
std::size_t alive_size;
bool updating_locations;
std::vector<GCRef*> refs;
std::vector<GCWeakRef*> weakrefs;
friend class GCRef;
friend class GCWeakRef;
GC& get_gc() {
static GC gc;
return gc;
void GCRef::ref() {
auto& refs = get_gc().refs;
ref_id = refs.size();
void GCRef::unref() {
auto& refs = get_gc().refs;
refs.back()->ref_id = ref_id;
refs[ref_id] = std::move(refs.back());
void GCWeakRef::ref() {
auto& weakrefs = get_gc().weakrefs;
ref_id = weakrefs.size();
void GCWeakRef::unref() {
auto& weakrefs = get_gc().weakrefs;
weakrefs.back()->ref_id = ref_id;
weakrefs[ref_id] = std::move(weakrefs.back());
void GCVisitRef::visit(bool weak) const { get_gc().visit(obj, weak); }
GCObject* gc_alloc(TypeId type_id) { return get_gc().alloc(type_id); }
void gc_collect(std::size_t extra_space) { return get_gc().collect(extra_space); }
#ifndef PSIL_GC_H
#define PSIL_GC_H
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace psil {
// Type information for GC objects.
typedef uint16_t TypeId;
struct Type {
const TypeId id;
const std::string name;
const std::size_t size;
const std::function<void(void*)> visitor;
const std::function<void(void*, void*)> mover;
const std::function<void(void*)> destructor;
const Type& get_type(TypeId id);
TypeId register_type(std::string name, std::size_t size,
std::function<void(void*)> visitor,
std::function<void(void*, void*)> mover,
std::function<void(void*)> destructor);
template<class T> TypeId register_class_as_type(std::string name);
// Base GC object.
struct GCObject {
GCObject(TypeId id) : id(id), marked(false) { }
const Type& type() const;
TypeId type_id() const;
void* data();
static GCObject* from_data(void* data);
std::size_t size_on_heap() const;
union {
GCObject* new_location;
struct { TypeId id; bool marked; };
friend class GC;
// Reference types.
struct GCRef; struct GCWeakRef; struct GCVisitRef;
// Code deduplication without virtual pointers.
#define PSIL_REF_BODY(C) \
C() : obj(nullptr) { } \
C(GCObject* obj) : obj(obj) { if (obj) ref(); } \
C(const GCRef& other); \
C(const GCWeakRef& other); \
C(const GCVisitRef& other); \
C& operator=(const C& other) { reset(other.obj); return *this; } \
C(C&& other) : obj(other.obj) { other.reset(); if (obj) ref(); } \
~C() { reset(); } \
void swap(C& other) { \
std::swap(obj, other.obj); \
if (bool(obj) == bool(other.obj)) return; \
if (obj) { ref(); other.unref(); } else { unref(); other.ref(); } \
} \
void reset() { if (obj) { unref(); obj = nullptr; } } \
void reset(GCObject* obj) { \
if (this->obj && !obj) unref(); \
if (!this->obj && obj) ref(); \
this->obj = obj; \
} \
GCObject* get() const { return obj; } \
explicit operator bool() const { return obj != nullptr; } \
GCObject& operator*() const { return *obj; } \
GCObject* operator->() const { return obj; } \
private: \
mutable GCObject* obj; \
friend class GC;
// Outside reference to GC owned object.
struct GCRef {
std::uint32_t ref_id;
void ref(); void unref();
// Outside weak reference to GC owned object.
struct GCWeakRef {
std::uint32_t ref_id;
void ref(); void unref();
// Reference to use inside GC types. Tracked by calling visit().
struct GCVisitRef {
void visit(bool weak=false) const;
void ref() { } void unref() { }
// Garbage collector interface.
GCObject* gc_alloc(TypeId type_id);
template<class T, class... Args>
GCRef gc_new(TypeId type_id, Args&&... args);
void gc_collect(std::size_t extra_space=0);
// Implementation.
namespace psil {
namespace detail {
template<class T, class=void> struct has_visit : std::false_type { };
template<class T>
struct has_visit<T, decltype(std::declval<T>().visit())>
: std::true_type { };
template<class T>
inline typename std::enable_if<has_visit<T>::value,
std::function<void(void*)>>::type get_visitor()
{ return [](void* obj) { static_cast<T*>(obj)->visit(); }; }
template<class T>
inline typename std::enable_if<!has_visit<T>::value,
std::function<void(void*)>>::type get_visitor() { return nullptr; }
template<class T>
inline TypeId register_class_as_type(std::string name) {
static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(GCObject),
"maximum alignment requirement is that of GCObject");
std::function<void(void*, void*)> mover;
std::function<void(void*)> destructor;
if (!std::is_pod<T>::value) {
mover = [](void* dest, void* src)
{ new (dest) T(std::move(*static_cast<T*>(src))); };
destructor = [](void* obj) { static_cast<T*>(obj)->~T(); };
return register_type(name, sizeof(T),
detail::get_visitor<T>(), mover, destructor);
template<class T, class... Args>
inline GCRef gc_new(TypeId type_id, Args&&... args) {
GCRef obj = gc_alloc(type_id);
new (obj->data()) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
return obj;
// More code deduplication for the reference types.
#define PSIL_REF_EXTRAS(C) \
inline C::C(const GCRef& other) : obj(other.get()) { if (obj) ref(); } \
inline C::C(const GCWeakRef& other) : obj(other.get()) { if (obj) ref(); } \
inline C::C(const GCVisitRef& other) : obj(other.get()) { } \
inline bool operator==(const C& lhs, const C& rhs) \
{ return lhs.get() == rhs.get(); } \
inline bool operator==(const C& lhs, std::nullptr_t rhs) \
{ return lhs.get() == nullptr; } \
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t lhs, const C& rhs) \
{ return nullptr == rhs.get(); } \
inline bool operator!=(const C& lhs, const C& rhs) \
{ return !(lhs == rhs); } \
inline bool operator!=(const C& lhs, std::nullptr_t rhs) \
{ return !(lhs == rhs); } \
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t lhs, const C& rhs) \
{ return !(lhs == rhs); }
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