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Created April 22, 2019 15:12
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Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
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"prefix": "vue",
"body": [
"<!DOCTYPE html>",
" <title>Vue</title>",
" <meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>",
" <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">",
" <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">",
" <div id=\"app\">",
" ${1}",
" </div>",
" <script src=\"\"></script>",
" <script>",
" const app = new Vue({",
" el: \"#app\",",
" data: {",
" ${2}",
" },",
" methods: {",
" ${3}",
" }",
" });",
" </script>",
"description": "Vue Boilerplate"
"test": {
"prefix": "it",
"body": [
"public void it_$1() {",
" $2",
" Assert.assertEquals($3, $4);",
"JS Console Log": {
"prefix": "c",
"body": [
"description": "JS Console Log"
"PHP Unit Test Class": {
"prefix": "tc",
"body": [
"namespace Tests\\Unit;",
"use Tests\\Unit\\TestCase;",
"class $1Test extends TestCase",
" /** @test */",
" public function it_$2()",
" {",
" $3",
" }",
"description": "PHP Unit Test Class"
"PHP Feature Test Class": {
"prefix": "ftc",
"body": [
"namespace Tests\\Feature;",
"use Tests\\Feature\\FeatureTest;",
"class $1Test extends FeatureTest",
" /** @test */",
" public function it_$2()",
" {",
" $3",
" }",
"description": "PHP Feature Test Class"
"PHP Integration Test Class": {
"prefix": "itc",
"body": [
"namespace Tests\\AppBundle\\Integration;",
"class $1Test extends IntegrationTest",
" /** @test */",
" public function it_$2()",
" {",
" $3",
" }",
"description": "PHP Feature Test Class"
"Scaffold RESTful Controller": {
"prefix": "sctrller",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Http\\Controllers;",
"use App\\\\$1;",
"use Illuminate\\Http\\Request;",
"use Illuminate\\Http\\Response;",
" * Handles requests related to the $1 model.",
" */",
"class $1sController extends Controller",
" /**",
" * Display a listing of $2",
" *",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function index()",
" {",
" $$2s = $1::all();",
" return view('$2s/index', compact('$2s'));",
" }",
" /**",
" * Show the form for creating a new $1",
" *",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function create()",
" {",
" return view('$2s/create');",
" }",
" /**",
" * Store a newly created $1 in storage.",
" *",
" * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function store(Request $$request)",
" {",
" $$this->validateRequest($$request);",
" $1::create($$request->all());",
" return redirect()->route('$2s.index');",
" }",
" /**",
" * Display the specified $1",
" *",
" * @param $1 $$2",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function show($1 $$2)",
" {",
" return view('$2s/show', compact('$2'));",
" }",
" /**",
" * Show the form for editing the specified $1",
" *",
" * @param $1 $$2",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function edit($1 $$2)",
" {",
" return view('$2s/edit', compact('$2'));",
" }",
" /**",
" * Update the specified resource in storage.",
" *",
" * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request",
" * @param $1 $$2",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function update(Request $$request, $1 $$2)",
" {",
" $$this->validateRequest($$request);",
" $$2->update($$request->all())",
" return redirect()->route('$2s.index')",
" }",
" /**",
" * Remove the specified $1 from storage.",
" *",
" * @param int $id",
" * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response",
" */",
" public function destroy($$id)",
" {",
" $1::destroy($$id);",
" return redirect()->route('$2s.index');",
" }",
" /**",
" * Runs the validation rules agains the given Request",
" *",
" * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request",
" * @return void",
" */",
" protected function validateRequest(Request $$request)",
" {",
" return $$this->validate($$request, $$this->getValidationRules());",
" }",
" /**",
" * Returns an array with the rules that the validator should use when executed",
" *",
" * @return array",
" */",
" protected function getValidationRules()",
" {",
" return [",
" '$3' => '$3',",
" ];",
" }",
"description": "Scaffold RESTful Controller"
"PHP Laravel Model Factory": {
"prefix": "fac",
"body": [
"\\$factory->define(App\\\\$1::class, function (Faker\\Generator \\$faker) {",
" return [",
" '$2' => \\$faker->$3,",
" ];",
"description": "PHP Laravel Model Factory"
"PHP public method …": {
"prefix": "fun",
"body": [
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"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Public Method"
"PHP static public method …": {
"prefix": "sfun",
"body": [
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"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Public Method"
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"\t${0:# code...}",
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"\t${0:# code...}",
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"body": [
"private function ${2:FunctionName}(${3})",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Private Method"
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"body": [
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"public function it_$1()",
" $2",
"class …": {
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"body": [
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"prefix": "con",
"body": [
"${1:public} function __construct(${2:${3:Type} $${4:var}${5: = ${6:null}}}) {",
"\t\\$this->${4:var} = $${4:var};$0",
"PHPDoc param …": {
"prefix": "param",
"body": [
"* @param ${1:Type} ${2:var} ${3:Description}$0"
"description": "Paramater documentation"
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"prefix": "trait",
"body": [
" * $1",
" */",
"trait ${2:TraitName}",
"description": "Trait"
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"body": [
"do {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"} while (${1:$${2:a} <= ${3:10}});"
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"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"while (${1:$${2:a} <= ${3:10}}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "While-loop"
"if …": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "If block"
"if … else …": {
"prefix": "ifelse",
"body": [
"if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2:# code...}",
"} else {",
"\t${3:# code...}",
"description": "If Else block"
"$… = ( … ) ? … : …": {
"prefix": "if?",
"body": "$${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b} ;",
"description": "Ternary conditional assignment"
"else …": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": [
"else {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Else block"
"elseif …": {
"prefix": "elseif",
"body": [
"elseif (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Elseif block"
"for …": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for ($${1:i}=${2:0}; $${1:i} < $3; $${1:i}++) { ",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "For-loop"
"foreach …": {
"prefix": "foreach",
"body": [
"foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} ${3:=> $${4:value}}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Foreach loop"
"$this->…": {
"prefix": "this",
"body": "\\$this->$0;",
"description": "$this->..."
"Throw Exception": {
"prefix": "throw",
"body": [
"throw new $1Exception(${2:\"${3:Error Processing Request}\"}${4:, ${5:1}});",
"description": "Throw exception"
"Region Start": {
"prefix": "#region",
"body": [
"description": "Folding Region Start"
"Region End": {
"prefix": "#endregion",
"body": [
"description": "Folding Region End"
"TestSuite": {
"prefix": "ts",
"body": [
"require 'minitest/autorun'",
"require 'minitest/unit'",
"class Test$1 < MiniTest::Test",
" def test_$2",
" expected = $3",
" actual = $4",
" assert_equal expected, actual",
" end",
"TestCase": {
"prefix": "tc",
"body": [
"def test_$2",
" expected = $3",
" actual = $4",
" assert_equal expected, actual",
"Spec": {
"prefix": "it",
"body": [
"test \"it $1\" do",
" $2",
" $3",
" assert $4",
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