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Last active January 13, 2016 23:19
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Writing a CERN ROOT TTree from Julia using Cxx.jl
# Copyright (C) 2016 Oliver Schulz <>
# Licensed under the MIT License:
# Note: Currently only works with ROOT-5, not ROOT-6, due to LLVM clashes
# between Cling and Julia.
using Cxx
using Distributions
incdir = strip(readall(`root-config --incdir`))
libdir = strip(readall(`root-config --libdir`))
addHeaderDir(incdir, kind=C_System)
Libdl.dlopen(joinpath(libdir, ""), Libdl.RTLD_GLOBAL)
TFile(name, mode) = icxx""" new TFile($(pointer(name)), $(pointer(mode))); """
close(tfile) = icxx"""
delete $tfile;
TTree(name, title) = icxx""" new TTree($(pointer(name)), $(pointer(title))); """
branch{T<:Number}(ttree, value::Ref{T}, name) = icxx"""
$ttree->Branch($(pointer(name)), &$value);
fill(ttree) = icxx""" $ttree->Fill(); """
tfile = TFile("out.root", "recreate")
ttree = TTree("data", "Data")
idx = Ref{Int32}(0)
v = Ref(0.0)
branch(ttree, idx, "idx")
branch(ttree, v, "v")
dist = Normal(0.0, 5.0)
@time for i in 1:1000000
idx.x = i
v.x = rand(dist)
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