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Created November 29, 2024 12:01
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DiskInfo: A Bash Script to Gather Comprehensive Disk Information on Linux
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script Name: DiskInfo
# Description: A Bash Script to gather comprehensive
# Disk information on Linux.
# Website:
# Version: 1.0
# Usage: ./
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ensure `sudo` is authenticated at the beginning
echo "This script requires elevated privileges to run certain commands."
sudo -v || { echo "Error: You must provide sudo privileges to run this script."; exit 1; }
# Add `/sbin` and `/usr/sbin` to PATH to ensure command detection
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
# Function to check if a command exists
check_command() {
if ! command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: '$1' is not installed or not accessible."
# Function to gather disk information
gather_disk_info() {
echo "==================================================="
echo "-- PARTED DISK INFO --"
echo "----------------------"
sudo parted -ls
echo "-- INXI DISK INFO --"
echo "--------------------"
sudo inxi -DpRjlLoux
echo "-- LSBLK DISK INFO --"
echo "---------------------"
sudo lsblk -fm
echo "==================================================="
# Check for required commands
check_command "parted"
check_command "inxi"
check_command "lsblk"
# If any command is missing, prompt the user to install them
if [ ${#missing_commands[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "The following commands are required but not installed: ${missing_commands[*]}"
echo "Please install them using your package manager. For example:"
echo " sudo apt install parted inxi util-linux # For Debian/Ubuntu"
echo " sudo dnf install parted inxi util-linux # For Fedora/RHEL"
echo " sudo pacman -S parted inxi util-linux # For Arch Linux"
exit 1
# Prompt the user for their choice
echo "Do you want to save the disk information to a file or display it on the terminal?"
echo "Enter '1' to save to a file or '2' to display on the terminal."
read -p "Your choice (1/2): " choice
if [[ "$choice" == "1" ]]; then
# Save the output to a file
echo "-- PARTED DISK INFO --"
echo "----------------------"
sudo parted -ls
echo "-- INXI DISK INFO --"
echo "--------------------"
sudo inxi -DpRjlLoux
echo "-- LSBLK DISK INFO --"
echo "---------------------"
sudo lsblk -fm
echo "==================================================="
} > "$output_file" 2>&1
echo "Disk information has been saved to $output_file"
elif [[ "$choice" == "2" ]]; then
# Display the output in the terminal
echo "Invalid choice. Please run the script again and choose either '1' or '2'."
exit 1
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