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Be kind, and have an adventure.

Ben othyn

Be kind, and have an adventure.
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othyn /
Last active September 15, 2024 14:50
How to setup a Factorio Headless Server

[LINUX] Factorio Headless Server Guide

So, with credit to the Factorio wiki and cbednarski's helpful gist, I managed to eventually setup a Factorio headless server. Although, I thought the process could be nailed down/simplified to be a bit more 'tutorialised' and also to document how I got it all working for my future records.

The specific distro/version I'm using for this guide being Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS. Although, that shouldn't matter, as long as your distro supports systemd (just for this guide, not a Factorio headless requirement, although most distros use it as standard now). The version of Factorio I shall be using is 0.14.20, although should work for any version of Factorio 0.14.12 and higher.

Just a note to newcomers: If there are any issues with the installation steps, people in the comments are doing a good job

othyn /
Created January 1, 2019 10:45 — forked from barbietunnie/
MySQL Database User GRANT permissions for Laravel

MySQL Database User GRANT permissions for Laravel

For security reasons, you should probably grant select, delete, update and insert to your app user in production.

Have another user who can do alter, create, drop and index when running migrations.

If you run seeders in production, also grant select, insert and references to the migration user.

Yeah, 2 users, migrations are not always run in production everyday and this keeps more secure your database.

othyn /
Created May 14, 2019 10:37
Short bash script to extract a table from a MySQL dump, designed to perform well on large files! :)
USAGE="\n\x1b[31mUsage:\x1b[0m my_table /path/to/dump.sql\n\x1b[32mOptional 3rd parameter:\x1b[0m /path/to/export/to\nThe export filename will default to extracted_{my_table}.sql\n"
if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then
printf "$USAGE"
exit 1
# Check the table name was provided
if [[ -z "$2" ]] ; then
othyn /
Created May 14, 2019 11:08
Mount a Raspberry Pi image of your choice :)
# Globals
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
# Usage declaration
display_usage() {
othyn / php_cli_table.php
Created January 7, 2020 14:24
Quick PHP table output for console
* A quick way, with a bit of overhead, to get nice tabular output
* from a PHP CLI app.
* Sometimes I find myself just requiring very quick and dirty
* tabular output and find this to be the path of least resistance.
* This method utilises Symfony's Console's Table and BufferedOutput
othyn /
Last active February 5, 2020 16:40
Docker to launch either sh/bash or node depending on the script shebang executable type. This came from a personal circumstance where to save resources, one node image could be used to run shell scripts and node scripts that both performed actions against the same resource. This condensed 4 containers into 1, giving the same result.
set -e
FIRST_LINE=$(head -n 1 "${1}")
# As the scripts can be either JS or shell, determine how to exec!
if [ "${FIRST_LINE}" = "#!/bin/sh" ] || [ "${FIRST_LINE}" = "#!/bin/bash" ]; then
eval "./$@"
othyn / ChangePasswordController.php
Last active July 25, 2020 04:46
Laravel 6.x change password (Routes, Controller, Request & View)
* app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ChangePasswordController.php
* Made via the command:
* $ php artisan make:controller Auth/ChangePasswordController -r
* This is the custom controller that will do all the heavy lifting for
* changing the users password.
othyn / LogLevel.php
Last active April 2, 2022 02:26
RFC 5424 log levels for BenSampo's Laravel Enum package.
namespace App\Enums;
use BenSampo\Enum\Enum;
* @method static static Emergency()
* @method static static Alert()
* @method static static Critical()
othyn /
Last active November 2, 2023 15:25
Quick script to write a bootable UEFI Windows ISO to USB in macOS
# System: Darwin x86_64 19.6.0 (macOS 10.15.6 19G2021)
# Author: Othyn (
# Source:
# Dependencies: pv, wimlib
# Licence: MIT
othyn /
Last active October 20, 2021 09:41
My top recommended Laravel packages
Package (in Alphabetical Order) Description