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Last active August 29, 2023 08:48
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Convert legacy (SQL) partitions to M (Power Query)
// This Tabular Editor script will convert all legacy (SQL) partitions on a model, to corresponding M
// (Power Query) partitions, that use the Value.NativeQuery function on the original SQL expression.
// The script can be used in both TE2 and TE3.
const string mQuery = "let\n Source = #\"{0}\",\n Data = Value.NativeQuery(Source, \"{1}\")\nin\n Data";
foreach(var table in Model.Tables.Where(t => t.SourceType == PartitionSourceType.Query))
foreach(MPartition partition in table.Partitions)
partition.Expression = string.Format(mQuery,
partition.Expression.Replace("\"", "\"\""));
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