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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Sitecore job parser
(ns mammoth.parsers.sitecore
[cheshire.core :as json]
[athena.core :as ath]
[mammoth.benchmark :refer [bench]]
[mammoth.crawler :as crawler]))
(defn job-list
"This function will return a map containing jobs parsed from Sitecore"
(let [sc ""
selector ".documentlist"
document (ath/parse
(crawler/fetch (format sc location)))
el (ath/query-selector document selector)
titles (ath/query-selector el "h4 a")
descs (ath/query-selector el "p")]
(into []
(for [[link d] (map vector titles descs)]
(let [href (first (ath/get-attr link :href))
title (ath/text link)
description (ath/text d)]
{:title title
:href (str "" href)
:description description})))))
(defn run-parser
"Find all sitecore jobs running the crawl for each location
in parallel"
(let [locations ["France" "United-Kindom" "Southeast-Asia"
"Belgium" "Denmark" "North-America"]]
(->> (doall (map #(future (job-list %)) locations))
(map deref)
(into []))))
(def all-jobs (comp json/generate-string run-parser))
(defn benchmark [] (bench all-jobs))
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