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Created October 15, 2020 11:45
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Haskell Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning
-- tree type for minimaxing, empty subtree list indicates a leaf node
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
deriving Show
-- minimax assumes a two-player game
data Player = One | Two
deriving Eq
-- moves to the next player
next :: Player -> Player
next One = Two
next Two = One
-- gets the value in a node
val :: Tree a -> a
val (Node x _) = x
-- checks and updates the value of alpha and beta respectively
checkalpha :: (a -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Tree a] -> [Tree Int]
checkalpha f v a b ts | b <= alpha = maxprune f alpha b []
| otherwise = maxprune f alpha b ts
where alpha = max a v
checkbeta :: (a -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Tree a] -> [Tree Int]
checkbeta f v a b ts | beta <= a = minprune f a beta []
| otherwise = minprune f a beta ts
where beta = min b v
-- mutually recursive functions for maximum and minimum respectively
maxprune :: (a -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> [Tree a] -> [Tree Int]
maxprune _ _ _ [] = []
maxprune f a b (t:ts) = tree : checkalpha f (val tree) a b ts
where tree = abprune f Two a b t
minprune :: (a -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> [Tree a] -> [Tree Int]
minprune _ _ _ [] = []
minprune f a b (t:ts) = tree : checkbeta f (val tree) a b ts
where tree = abprune f One a b t
-- minimaxes with alpha-beta pruning
abprune :: (a -> Int) -> Player -> Int -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree Int
abprune f _ _ _ (Node x []) = Node (f x) []
abprune f One a b (Node _ ts) = Node (maximum [val t | t <- subtrees]) subtrees
where subtrees = maxprune f a b ts
abprune f Two a b (Node _ ts) = Node (minimum [val t | t <- subtrees]) subtrees
where subtrees = minprune f a b ts
alpha :: Int
alpha = minBound
beta :: Int
beta = maxBound
neg :: Int -> Int
neg x = -x
testtree :: Tree Int
testtree = Node 3 [Node 3 [Node 3 [Node (neg 1) [], Node 3 []], Node 5 [Node 5 [], Node 0 []]],
Node (neg 4) [Node (neg 4) [Node (neg 6) [], Node (neg 4) []], Node 0 [Node 0 [], Node 0 []]]]
countnode :: Tree a -> Int
countnode (Node _ []) = 1
countnode (Node _ ts) = 1 + sum (map countnode ts)
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