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Last active February 11, 2016 20:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from time import time
import sys
import sqlite3
import json
from uuid import uuid4
conn = sqlite3.connect('max.backup.sqlite', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
cur = conn.cursor()
LIMITS = (10, 100, 1000)
queries = {
'mak_1': (
'(SELECT url FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = h.rev_host ORDER BY frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC LIMIT 1) AS url,'
'(SELECT title FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = h.rev_host ORDER BY frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC LIMIT 1) AS title,'
'(SELECT frecency FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = h.rev_host ORDER BY frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC LIMIT 1) AS frecency,'
'(SELECT last_visit_date FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = h.rev_host ORDER BY frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC LIMIT 1) AS lastVisitDate,'
'"history" as type '
'FROM moz_places h '
'WHERE rev_host IN ('
' SELECT DISTINCT rev_host FROM moz_places'
' WHERE hidden = 0 AND last_visit_date NOTNULL'
' ORDER by frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC'
' LIMIT ?'
') '
'GROUP BY rev_host '
'ORDER BY frecency DESC, lastVisitDate DESC, url '
'LIMIT 10'),
'mak_2': (
'SELECT url, title, frecency, last_visit_date as lastVisitDate, "history" as type '
'FROM moz_places '
'WHERE frecency IN ('
' SELECT MAX(frecency) AS frecency FROM moz_places '
' WHERE rev_host IN ('
' SELECT DISTINCT rev_host FROM moz_places'
' WHERE hidden = 0 AND last_visit_date NOTNULL'
' ORDER by frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC'
' LIMIT ?'
' ) '
' GROUP BY rev_host'
') '
'GROUP BY rev_host HAVING MAX(last_visit_date) '
'ORDER BY frecency DESC, last_visit_date DESC'),
'maksik_2': (
'SELECT url, title, frecency, last_visit_date as lastVisitDate, "history" as type '
'FROM moz_places '
'WHERE frecency in ('
' SELECT MAX(frecency) as frecency'
' FROM moz_places'
' WHERE hidden = 0 AND last_visit_date NOTNULL'
' GROUP BY rev_host'
' ORDER BY frecency DESC'
' LIMIT ?'
') '
'GROUP BY rev_host HAVING MAX(lastVisitDate) '
'ORDER BY frecency DESC, lastVisitDate DESC')
sorted_keys = sorted(queries.keys())
query_results = {limit:{key:[] for key in sorted_keys} for limit in LIMITS}
for key in sorted_keys:
for limit in LIMITS:
query_results[limit][key] = json.dumps(cur.execute(queries[key], [limit]).fetchall())
benchmark = []
for i in xrange(10):
start = time()
cur.execute(queries[key], [limit]).fetchall()
end = time()
benchmark = sorted(benchmark)
limit_str = str(limit).ljust(5)
mean = str(int(sum(benchmark)/len(benchmark) * 1000)).rjust(4)
median = str(int(benchmark[len(benchmark)/2] * 1000)).rjust(4)
print("results for\t{}@{}\tmean: {}ms\tmedian: {}ms".format(key.rjust(10), limit, mean, median))
for limit in LIMITS:
same = True
prev = None
for key in sorted_keys[1:]:
if prev is None:
prev = query_results[limit][key]
same &= (prev == query_results[limit][key])
if not same:
print("{}@{} same: {}".format(sorted_keys, str(limit).ljust(5), same))
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