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Created December 3, 2020 09:54
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#include "main.h"
unsigned char LedYak(unsigned char sira, unsigned int yanmaSure);
int main(void)
HAL_Init(); // After HAL_Init(), System is running on default HSI clock (16MHz). PLL is disabled. The clock to APB1 bus is 16Mhz (HSI clock).
// Kodunuz buraya!
Sirasiyla 1, 2, 3, 4 ledlerini 50 ms araliklarla yakiniz
LedYak(1, 50);
LedYak(2, 50);
LedYak(3, 50);
LedYak(4, 50);
//#define toplamLedAdeti 4 // preprocessor, on-islem
const unsigned char toplamLedAdeti = 4;
//unsigned char toplamLedAdeti = 4; //kaynak israfi
unsigned char LedYak(unsigned char sira, unsigned int yanmaSure){
Secilen Led sirasina gore ilgili ledin belirtilen sure kadar yakilmasi icin fonksiyon yaziniz.
Giris parametreleri : sira, yanmaSure
sira : [0-4] arasinda bir sayi
yanmaSure : ms cinsinden [0-10000] araliginda bir sayi
Cikis parametreleri : durum
durum : true, false
unsigned char durum = 0;
if(sira <= toplamLedAdeti){
durum = 1;
return durum;
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