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Created November 7, 2024 19:17
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(async () => {
// Create a handle to the OPFS root directory
const rootHandle = await;
// Function to recursively read all files in the OPFS
async function readFiles(directoryHandle, path = '') {
let fileContent = '';
for await (const [name, handle] of directoryHandle.entries()) {
if (handle.kind === 'directory') {
// Recursively read subdirectories
fileContent += await readFiles(handle, path + name + '/');
} else if (handle.kind === 'file') {
// Check if the file is an .mkv, if so, just write the name
if (name.endsWith('.mkv') || name.endsWith('.debackup')) {
fileContent += `Path: ${path + name} (binary or not readable file, skipped)\n\n`;
} else {
// Read non-binary file content
const file = await handle.getFile();
const text = await file.text();
fileContent += `Path: ${path + name}\n${text}\n\n`;
return fileContent;
// Read all files and prepare the final content
const content = await readFiles(rootHandle);
// Create a blob and trigger a download
const blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/plain' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = 'opfs_files.txt';;
// Cleanup URL object
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