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Pedro Plowman p2made

  • Queensland, Australia
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OpenWrt on TP-Link TL-WR902AC v3

First get the OpenWrt firmware. You need the tftp-recovery file for initial flash, but it is also worth getting the sysupgrade file to use if you ever want (or need) to do a rollback.

You need to run tfpt for flashing the firmware. That is a command line program already on your Mac but a GUI to it makes things easier. There is TftpServer but that site is unreliable so it is likely easier to download from MacUpdate or c|net. There is also Transfer which is commercial software with a 7 day free trial.

  1. Copy the OpenWrt tftp-recovery file to /private/tftpboot/tp_recovery.bin.
  2. In Terminal run sudo chmod 777 /private/tftpboot/*.
  3. Start the tftp server using your choice of GUI or command line.
  4. Connect the ro

OpenVPN UCI Directives Cheat Sheet


Item Type Help Text
verb* option Set output verbosity
mlock option BOOL Disable Paging
disable_occ option BOOL Disable options consistency check
cd option Change to directory before initialization

# Country Codes

Country CC Country CC
Afghanistan AF Lesotho LS
Åland Islands AX Liberia LR
Albania AL Libya LY
Algeria DZ Liechtenstein LI
American Samoa AS Lithuania LT
Andorra AD Luxembourg LU

Setup ExpressVPN in OpenVPN on OpenWrt

These instructions will get ExpressVPN up & running in OpenVPN on OpenWrt.

opkg update
opkg install -force-overwrite openvpn-openssl luci-app-openvpn

Log back into Luci & there will now be a menu VPN > OpenVPN.

ExtRoot & Swap on OpenWrt

Following Quick Start for Adding a USB drive but installing some packages that will be needed right after. Also see Using storage devices.

  • SSH into the router.
  • Install required packages...
opkg update
opkg install block-mount e2fsprogs kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb-storage kmod-usb-uhci kmod-usb2 kmod-usb3 usbutils nano