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Pablo Mujica pablomujica

  • Montevideo, Uruguay
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pablomujica / gist:967a598f7765cfc1ceea35241a10511f
Created September 14, 2020 01:25
Proxy the Azure Functions local instance in Vue to the API Path for Azure Static Sites
1. Create the file vue.config.js in the root of the project.
2. Add the following content:
``` javascript
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:7071',
ws: true,
changeOrigin: true
pablomujica / gist:b80d4285f1049bea742cb24e62770f9e
Last active October 6, 2020 18:26
How to generate a CSR with SubjectAltName in Linux and sign it in a Windows Certificate Authority.

How to generate a CSR with SubjectAltName in Linux and sign it in a Windows Certificate Authority.

  1. Create a file in the folder with the following content(changing the values for your required ones):
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = SAN
prompt = no