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Marc pachacamac

  • Hacker/Founder
  • Germany, Berlin
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pachacamac / 2048.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
2048 game in concise but not golfed Ruby
def rgb(r, g, b)16+(r.to_i*36)+(g.to_i*6)+b.to_i end
def colorize(s, fg, bg = nil) "#{fg ? "\x1b[38;5;#{fg}m" : ''}#{bg ? "\x1b[48;5;#{bg}m" : ''}#{s}\x1b[0m" end
def rainbow(n)f,w,o=5.0/n,3,3; (0...n).map{|i| rgb(Math.sin(f*i+0)*o+w, Math.sin(f*i+2)*o+w, Math.sin(f*i+4)*o+w)} end
def display(board, goal=2048)
@palette ||= rainbow(Math.log2(goal))
puts{|r|{|c| colorize((c==0 ? ?. : c), @palette[Math.log2(c+1)])}.join}.join("\n\n")
def compress(board, direction)
t=->(a){z=0;a.reduce([]){|s,e| z+=e==s[-1]? (s[-1]+=e;1): e>0? (s<<e;0): 1;s},0)} # trivial case: 1D array to the left
pachacamac / beat2beat.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
multicast ip music player
# Peer base
require 'socket'
require 'thread'
require 'ipaddr'
require 'json'
pachacamac / busker.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
busker - a minimal, sinatra inspired, webrick based (only using ruby-std lib stuff), web app framework that wants to remain easy and platform independent
require 'webrick'
require 'cgi'
class Busker
def initialize(opts={}, &block)
@routes = {}
(block.arity < 1 ? instance_eval(&block) : if block_given?
opts[:Port] ||= opts.delete(:port) || 8080
opts[:DocumentRoot] ||= opts.delete(:document_root) || File.expand_path('./')
@server =
pachacamac / vidup.rb
Created July 10, 2014 12:58
web rtc video chat with ruby backend
require 'webrick'
require 'cgi'
require 'erb'
require 'em-websocket'
module EventMachine
module WebSocket
class Connection < EventMachine::Connection
def remote_ip
pachacamac / timecapsule.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Timecapsule Encryption PoC/WiP
require 'digest/sha2'
require 'securerandom'
require 'time'
def random_seed
def timekey(rounds, seed = random_seed)
# see also:
pachacamac / tinyMd.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
tiny javascript markdown parser
/*tinyMd based on*/
var tinyMd = {
regexobject: {
headline: /^(\#{1,6})([^\#\n]+)$/m,
code: /\s\`\`\`\n?([^`]+)\`\`\`/g,
hr: /^(?:([\*\-_] ?)+)\1\1$/gm,
lists: /^((\s*((\*|\-)|\d(\.|\))) [^\n]+)\n)+/gm,
bolditalic: /(?:([\*_~]{1,3}))([^\*_~\n]+[^\*_~\s])\1/g,
links: /!?\[([^\]<>]+)\]\(([^ \)<>]+)( "[^\(\)\"]+")?\)/g,
reflinks: /\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]/g,
pachacamac / color_hash.rb
Created December 4, 2014 00:16
text to colo
require 'digest/md5'
# def color_hash(str, opts={})
# ranges = opts[:ranges] || [(64..190),(64..190),(64..190)]
# factors = opts[:factors] || [1.0] * ranges.size
# factors = [factors.to_f] * ranges.size unless factors.is_a?(Array)
# str.bytes.reduce({|e,i| e.size/(i+1)}){ |s,e|
# }{|e,i|
# x = (e*factors[i]).to_i
pachacamac / scan.rb
Created December 11, 2014 12:08
3d scanner code v1
require 'oily_png'
rescue LoadError
STDERR.puts 'Warning: Gem oily_png not found. Using chunky_png instead. This will be slow!'
require 'chunky_png'
def load_image(file)
rescue ChunkyPNG::SignatureMismatch
pachacamac / gallery.php
Created January 12, 2015 12:54
Simple drop in gallery in PHP with thumbnail support