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Last active June 1, 2017 09:23
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stan model using log_exp_sum()
rm(list = ls())
# Stan message board example
d <- data.frame(ln_rate = c(1,1.5,3,5), temp = c(4, 5, 6, 7), group = c(0,0,1,1))
b <- data.frame(temp = c(4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6, 7,7,7,7,7)) %>%
mutate(., mass = round(rnorm(n(), mean = 3, sd = 0.5), digits = 2))
# build model in stan
stan_model <- '
int N; // number of samples
int K; // number of mass samples
int mass_n[N]; // number of masses per sample
vector[N] ln_rate; // rate
vector[N] temp; // temperature
vector[K] mass; // masses
real<lower=0> sigma; // standard deviation
real ln_r0; // community normalisation constant
real bT; // effect of temperature
real a; // size scaling exponent
int pos;
vector[N] mu;
vector[N] ln_biomass;
ln_r0 ~ normal(0,10);
bT ~ normal(0,10);
a ~ normal(0,10);
sigma ~ cauchy(0,2);
pos = 1;
for(n in 1:N){
ln_biomass[n] = log_sum_exp(a * segment(mass, pos, mass_n[n]));
pos = pos + mass_n[n];
# likelihood regression for size dependence of rate
mu = ln_r0 + ln_biomass + bT*temp;
ln_rate ~ normal(mu, sigma);
# make list
m_list <- b %>%
group_by(temp) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
m = m_list$n
m_list <- as.list(m_list$n)
# create data ####
stan_datalist = list(N = nrow(d),
K = nrow(b),
mass_n = m,
temp = d$temp,
ln_rate = d$ln_rate,
mass = log(b$mass))
# initial values function ####
stan_inits <- function() list(a = 0.75, bT = 0, ln_r0 = 1, tau_R = 1)
# run stan ####
model_stan <- rstan::stan(model_code = stan_model,
data = stan_datalist,
init = stan_inits,
iter = 1e4,
chains = 1)
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