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Last active December 11, 2015 19:39
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{-# LANGUAGE PolymorphicComponents, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Juggling where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as GLUT
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT.Callbacks.Window as W
import Graphics.UI.GLUT.State
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL
import Data.IORef
newtype Height = Height { height :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Pattern = Pattern { pattern :: [Height] } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype State = State { state :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Point2d = Point2d { xCoord :: GLfloat
, yCoord :: GLfloat } deriving (Show)
data PatternOptions = PatternOptions
{ timePerThrow :: (Integral a) => a
, pauseTime :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a
, handMovement :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a
deriving instance Show PatternOptions
defaultOptions :: PatternOptions
defaultOptions = PatternOptions 300 0.4 0.3
increaseSpeed :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
increaseSpeed opts = opts { timePerThrow = max 100 (timePerThrow opts - 100) }
decreaseSpeed :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
decreaseSpeed opts = opts { timePerThrow = min 2000 (timePerThrow opts + 100) }
handsTogether :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
handsTogether opts = opts { handMovement = max (-1.0) (handMovement opts - 0.1) }
handsApart :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
handsApart opts = opts { handMovement = min 1.0 (handMovement opts + 0.1) }
increasePause :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
increasePause opts = opts { pauseTime = min 0.9 (pauseTime opts + 0.1) }
decreasePause :: PatternOptions -> PatternOptions
decreasePause opts = opts { pauseTime = max 0.1 (pauseTime opts - 0.1) }
fromList :: [Int] -> Pattern
fromList = Pattern . map Height
cascade :: Pattern
cascade = fromList [3, 3]
shower :: Pattern
shower = fromList [1, 5]
fountain :: Pattern
fountain = fromList [4, 4]
numberOfProps :: Pattern -> Int
numberOfProps p =
let heights = map height $ pattern p in
sum heights `div` length heights
rotateList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotateList 0 xs = xs
rotateList n (x:xs) = rotateList (n - 1) $ xs ++ [x]
rotatePattern :: Int -> Pattern -> Pattern
rotatePattern n = Pattern . rotateList n . pattern
heightAtTime :: Pattern -> Float -> Height
heightAtTime p@(Pattern (Height h:heights)) t
| t < fromIntegral h = Height h
| otherwise = heightAtTime (rotatePattern h p) (t - fromIntegral h)
xAtTime :: PatternOptions -> Pattern -> Float -> Float
xAtTime opts p@(Pattern (Height h:heights)) t
| t < (pauseTime opts) = t / (pauseTime opts) * (handMovement opts)
| t < fromIntegral h && even h = (handMovement opts) * (fromIntegral h - t) / (fromIntegral h - (pauseTime opts))
| t < fromIntegral h = (handMovement opts) + (1 - (handMovement opts)) * (t - (pauseTime opts)) / (fromIntegral h - (pauseTime opts))
| even h = xAtTime opts (rotatePattern h p) (t - fromIntegral h)
| otherwise = 1 + xAtTime opts (rotatePattern h p) (t - fromIntegral h)
yAtTime :: PatternOptions -> Pattern -> Float -> Float
yAtTime opts p@(Pattern (Height h:heights)) t
| t < (pauseTime opts) = 0
| t < fromIntegral h = (t - (pauseTime opts)) / (fromIntegral h - (pauseTime opts))
| otherwise = yAtTime opts (rotatePattern h p) (t - fromIntegral h)
clip :: Float -> Float
clip x | 0 <= x && x <= 1 = x
| x < 0 = clip (-x)
| x > 1 = 1 - clip (x - 1)
circle :: GLfloat -> IO ()
circle r = GL.renderPrimitive GL.TriangleFan $ mapM_ GL.vertex points where
points = flip map [0..10] $ \deg ->
GL.Vertex2 (r * sin (2 * pi * deg / 10))
(r * cos (2 * pi * deg / 10)) :: GL.Vertex2 GLfloat
project :: Float -> Float -> Height -> Height -> Point2d
project x y (Height height) (Height maxHeight) =
let xProj = 2 * x - 1
yProj = 8 * (fromIntegral height) * y * (1 - y) / (fromIntegral maxHeight) - 1 in
Point2d xProj yProj
positionOfBallAt :: PatternOptions -> Pattern -> Height -> Float -> Int -> Point2d
positionOfBallAt opts pattern maxHeight time index =
let (x, y) = (xAtTime opts pattern time, yAtTime opts pattern time)
height = heightAtTime pattern time
cx = clip $ fromIntegral index + x in
project cx y height maxHeight
positions :: PatternOptions -> Pattern -> Int -> [Point2d]
positions opts p millis =
let props = numberOfProps p
period = 2 * (sum $ map height $ pattern p)
timePeriod = (timePerThrow opts) * period
maxHeight = Height $ maximum $ map height $ pattern p in
index <- [0 .. period - 1]
let startMillis = index * fromIntegral (timePerThrow opts)
let relativeTime = fromIntegral ((millis - startMillis) `mod` timePeriod) / fromIntegral (timePerThrow opts)
let rotatedPattern = rotatePattern index p
guard $ 0 < (height $ head $ pattern rotatedPattern)
return $ positionOfBallAt opts rotatedPattern maxHeight relativeTime index
render :: IORef PatternOptions -> Pattern -> IO ()
render optsRef p = do
time <- get elapsedTime
opts <- get optsRef
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 0 0 0 1
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
GL.matrixMode $= GL.Projection
GL.ortho (-1.2) (1.2) (-1.2) (1.2) (-1.0) (1.0)
GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0
flip mapM_ (positions opts p time) $ \p -> preservingMatrix $ do
GL.color (GL.Color4 1 1 1 1 :: GL.Color4 GLclampf)
translate (Vector3 (xCoord p) (yCoord p) 0.0)
circle 0.05
GLUT.postRedisplay Nothing
keyboardMouse :: IORef PatternOptions -> W.Key -> W.KeyState -> W.Modifiers -> Position -> IO ()
keyboardMouse opts (W.SpecialKey key) _ _ _ = updateOptions opts (fromKeyPress key) where
updateOptions opts f = do
modifyIORef opts f
readIORef opts >>= print
fromKeyPress W.KeyUp = increaseSpeed
fromKeyPress W.KeyDown = decreaseSpeed
fromKeyPress W.KeyLeft = handsTogether
fromKeyPress W.KeyRight = handsApart
fromKeyPress W.KeyPageUp = increasePause
fromKeyPress W.KeyPageDown = decreasePause
fromKeyPress _ = id
animate :: Pattern -> IO ()
animate pattern = do
opts <- newIORef defaultOptions
GLUT.initialDisplayMode $= [ GLUT.RGBAMode,
GLUT.WithAlphaComponent ]
GLUT.initialWindowSize $= GL.Size 600 600
_ <- GLUT.getArgsAndInitialize
GLUT.createWindow "OpenGL Juggling"
GLUT.displayCallback $= render opts pattern
GLUT.keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (keyboardMouse opts)
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