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Last active September 24, 2016 18:48
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, logShow)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lens (Prism, Lens, over, prism, lens)
data Label (l :: Symbol) = Label
data HNil = HNil
data HCons (l :: Symbol) head tail = HCons head tail
instance showHNil :: Show HNil where
show _ = "HNil"
instance showHCons :: (Show a, Show b) => Show (HCons l a b) where
show (HCons a b) = "(HCons " <> show a <> " " <> show b <> ")"
cons :: forall l a b. Label l -> a -> b -> HCons l a b
cons _ = HCons
infix 4 cons as :=
head :: forall l a b c. Lens (HCons l a b) (HCons l c b) a c
head = lens (\(HCons h _) -> h) \(HCons _ t) h -> HCons h t
tail :: forall l a b c. Lens (HCons l a b) (HCons l a c) b c
tail = lens (\(HCons _ t) -> t) \(HCons h _) t -> HCons h t
class HasField l s t a b | l s -> a, l b -> t where
field :: Label l -> Lens s t a b
instance hasFieldHead :: HasField l (HCons l head1 tail) (HCons l head2 tail) head1 head2 where
field _ = head
instance hasFieldTail :: HasField l s t a b => HasField l (HCons l1 head s) (HCons l1 head t) a b where
field l = field l >>> tail
data HVoid
data HEither (l :: Symbol) head tail
= Is head
| Isnt tail
instance showHVoid :: Show HVoid where
show _ = "HVoid"
instance showHEither :: (Show a, Show b) => Show (HEither l a b) where
show (Is a) = "(Is " <> show a <> ")"
show (Isnt a) = "(Isnt " <> show a <> ")"
is :: forall l a b c. Prism (HEither l a b) (HEither l c b) a c
is = prism Is $
case _ of
Is h -> Right h
Isnt b -> Left (Isnt b)
isn't :: forall l a b c. Prism (HEither l a b) (HEither l a c) b c
isn't = prism Isnt $
case _ of
Isnt t -> Right t
Is b -> Left (Is b)
class HasCtor l s t a b | l s -> a, l b -> t where
ctor :: Label l -> Prism s t a b
instance hasCtorIs :: HasCtor l (HEither l head1 tail) (HEither l head2 tail) head1 head2 where
ctor _ = is
instance hasCtorIsn't :: HasCtor l s t a b => HasCtor l (HEither l1 head s) (HEither l1 head t) a b where
ctor l = ctor l >>> isn't
polymorphicUpdate label = over (field label) (_ + 1)
main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
let foo = Label :: Label "foo"
bar = Label :: Label "bar"
baz = Label :: Label "baz"
rec = foo := 1 $
bar := 'a' $
baz := 42.0 $
var :: HEither "foo" String (HEither "bar" Int HVoid)
var = Isnt (Is 42)
logShow rec
logShow (over (field (Label :: Label "foo")) show rec)
logShow var
logShow (over (ctor (Label :: Label "bar")) (_ * 2) var)
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