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Created July 28, 2015 14:47
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import time
import copy
import serial
def main():
text = ""
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = '/dev/tty.usbmodem1411'
ser.baudrate = 9600
while (text != "q"):
print "start!"
text = raw_input()
def command(text,ser):
pata = '2'
pon = '8'
don = '7'
chaka = '4'
diction = {'2':'pata', '8':'pon', '7':'don', '4':'chaka'}
go = [pata,pata,pata,pon]
back = [pon,pata,pon,pata]
atk = [pon,pon,pata,pon]
guard = [chaka,chaka,pata,pon]
charge = [pon,pon,chaka,chaka]
jump = [don,don,chaka,chaka]
lis_tmp = []
if text == "go" or text == "g":
lis_tmp = copy.copy(go)
elif text == "back" or text == "b" or text == "ba" or text == "bac" or text == "bak":
lis_tmp = copy.copy(back)
elif text == "atk" or text == "at" or text == "a" or text == "ak" or text == "attack" or text == "atack":
lis_tmp = copy.copy(atk)
elif text == "guard" or text == "gu" or text == "def":
lis_tmp = copy.copy(guard)
elif text == "charge" or text == "c" or text == "ch" or text == "cha" :
lis_tmp = copy.copy(charge)
elif text == "jump" or text == "j" or text == "jp" or text == "ju" or text == "jm":
lis_tmp = copy.copy(jump)
while(len(lis_tmp) != 0):
tmp = lis_tmp.pop(0)
print diction[tmp]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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