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Created April 22, 2019 18:44
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define sdl
import ..tukan.sdl
define glmain
import ..tukan.glmain
using import glm
using import glsl
using import
using import ..tukan.nanovg
title = "NanoVG test"
width = 960
height = 540
resizable = true
global vg = (nvgCreateGL3 1)
global monofont =
nvgCreateFont vg "fixed"
.. module-dir "/../assets/core/fonts/UbuntuMono-R.ttf"
global cursor = (ivec2 100 100)
fn render-view (size)
glBindFramebuffer GL_FRAMEBUFFER 0
nvgBeginGLFrame vg size
nvgBeginPath vg
nvgRect vg 0 0 (unpack (vec2 size))
nvgFillColor vg
nvgRGBf 0.5 0.5 0.5
nvgFill vg
nvgFillColor vg
nvgRGBf 0 0 0
nvgText vg 200 200 "The Quick Brown Fox Yadda Yadda" null
nvgBeginPath vg
nvgCircle vg (f32 cursor.x) (f32 cursor.y) 8
nvgStrokeColor vg
nvgRGBf 1 1 1
nvgStrokeWidth vg 4
nvgStroke vg
nvgStrokeColor vg
nvgRGBf 0 0 0
nvgStrokeWidth vg 2
nvgStroke vg
nvgEndFrame vg
@@ 'on glmain.on-event
fn (event)
if event.type == sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION
cursor =
@@ 'on glmain.on-draw
fn (s size)
render-view size
nvgDeleteGL3 vg
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