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Last active June 30, 2023 14:27
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Create a new bookmark and use this as the link:


When you click it on a YouTube watch page it adds a table where you can see all the seeking thumbnails at once.

(function() {
"use strict";
function padd(x) {
var x = String(x);
return x.length < 2 ? '0' + x : x;
var duration = +document.querySelector("video").duration;
var playerData = document.querySelector("ytd-watch-flexy").__data.playerData;
var storyboard_spec = playerData.storyboards.playerStoryboardSpecRenderer.spec.split('|');
var url_template = storyboard_spec[0];
var sheets = storyboard_spec.slice(1).map(function(spec, quality) {
var spec = spec.split('#');
var sheet = {
url_template: url_template,
url: url_template.replace('$L', quality).replace('$N', spec[6]),
quality: quality,
width: +spec[0],
height: +spec[1],
count: +spec[2],
cols: +spec[3],
rows: +spec[4],
sigh: spec[7]
sheet.sheetSize = sheet.cols * sheet.rows;
sheet.sheetCount = ((sheet.count / sheet.sheetSize) | 0) + 1;
sheet.countOnLastSheet = ((sheet.count - 1) % sheet.sheetSize) + 1;
return sheet;
var sheet = sheets[sheets.length - 1];
var thumbs = [];
var hash_prefix = '/watch?v=' + playerData.videoDetails.videoId;
window.x_duration = duration;
window.x_url_tempalte = url_template;
window.x_sheets = sheets;
window.x_thumbs = thumbs;
for (var i = 0; i < sheet.sheetCount; ++i) {
var thumb_count = i === sheet.sheetCount - 1 ? sheet.countOnLastSheet : sheet.sheetSize;
var thumb_url = sheet.url.replace('$M', i) + '&sigh=' + sheet.sigh;
for (var t = 0; t < thumb_count; ++t) {
var row = (t / sheet.cols) | 0;
var col = t - (row * sheet.cols);
var thumb = {
row: row,
col: col,
x: col * sheet.width,
y: row * sheet.height,
url: thumb_url
var thumb_duration = duration / thumbs.length;
var links = document.createElement('div'); = 'block'; = '100%';
for (var i = 0; i < thumbs.length; ++i) {
var thumb = thumbs[i];
var link = document.createElement('a');
var time = thumb_duration * i;
var secs = (time % 60) | 0;
var rem = ((time - secs) / 60) | 0;
var mins = (rem % 60) | 0;
var hours = ((rem - mins) / 60) | 0;
var text;
var hash = hash_prefix;
if (hours > 0) {
text = hours + ':' + padd(mins) + ':' + padd(secs);
hash += '&t=' + hours + 'h' + mins + 'm' + secs + 's';
} else {
text = mins + ':' + padd(secs);
hash += '&t=' + mins + 'm' + secs + 's';
link.href = hash; = 'inline-block'; = 'hidden'; = sheet.width + 'px'; = sheet.height + 'px'; = 'url(' + thumb.url + ')'; = 'no-repeat'; = (-thumb.x) + 'px ' + (-thumb.y) + 'px'; = 'white'; = '0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)';
link.textContent = text;
link.setAttribute('data-time', time);
link.onclick = function (event) {
document.querySelector("video").currentTime = +this.getAttribute('data-time');
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var columns = document.getElementById("columns");
columns.parentNode.insertBefore(links, columns);
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