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busy procrastinating

Inxpired parthibx24

busy procrastinating
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parthibx24 /
Last active January 13, 2025 15:59


Data Structures are different ways how we organize collection of data in comupter memory for faster/efficient/easier access to a perticular data in that collection. Data structure goes hand in hand with algorithm, at first we organize collection of data in a specific way, which we call a Data Structure and then we write some instructions/steps to how we can access/modify/insert/delete individual elements in that Data Structure, which we call an algorithm for that Data Structure.

The most basic data structure is a fixed size array. An array stores all of its elements next to each other, meaning if an array holds all of its data in memory range of 0-15 and it stores int type values then each element will occupy 4 bytes. So, when data is inserted it will put the first int in memory 0-3, next will be put in 4-7, next is 8-11, next is 12-15. So, basically to in an int array the data at i index will be at the memory position of i*4 and it will occupy the range i*4-(i*4)+3. And there are many a

# os_offset=`echo $(($(nvram get flag_boot_rootfs)-1)) | tr -d '-'`
r0_mtd=$(grep '"rootfs"' /proc/mtd | awk -F: '{print substr($1,4)}')
r1_mtd=$(grep '"rootfs_1"' /proc/mtd | awk -F: '{print substr($1,4)}')
os_idx=$(nvram get flag_boot_rootfs)
ubiformat $MTD_DEV -f $IMAGE -s 2048 -O 2048


    "$help": "",
    "$schema": "",
            "command": "find",
            "keys": "ctrl+shift+f"

1. Configure redsocks


base {
        log_debug = off;
        log_info = on;
        log = "syslog:local7";
        daemon = on;
        redirector = iptables;
/** html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Bitfield Visualization</title>
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
  mount [root] /mnt/nix
  mount -o umask=077 [boot] /mnt/nix/boot
  nixos-install --root /mnt/nix --flake [flakeuri]#[osname]
  # flakeuri:
  passwd [username]
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# Linux/arm64 4.9.190 Kernel Configuration
ab - 1.3.42-1
airmon-ng - 1.2-rc1-2
arptables - 2015-05-20-f4ab8f63-1
base-files - 194.2-unknown
boost - 1.68.0-4
boost-atomic - 1.68.0-4
boost-chrono - 1.68.0-4
boost-date_time - 1.68.0-4
boost-filesystem - 1.68.0-4
/// files list

/// single file i.e. device list