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import os
import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
# API Key stored as an env variable
PLANET_API_KEY = os.getenv('PL_API_KEY') # replace PL_API_KEY with Planet API key in quotes
item_type = "PSScene4Band"
download_link = activation_status_result.json()["location"]
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
def plot_image(i, predictions_array, true_label, img):
predictions_array, true_label, img = predictions_array[i], true_label[i], img[i]
predicted_label = np.argmax(predictions_array)
if predicted_label == true_label:
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parulnith / Widgets.ipynb
Created December 18, 2018 06:17
Desktop/Hello World Folder/Widgets.ipynb
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config = """
language: "en"
- name: "nlp_spacy" # loads the spacy language model
- name: "tokenizer_spacy" # splits the sentence into tokens
- name: "ner_crf" # uses the pretrained spacy NER model
- name: "intent_featurizer_spacy" # transform the sentence into a vector representation
- name: "intent_classifier_sklearn" # uses the vector representation to classify using SVM
- name: "ner_synonyms" # trains the synonyms
domain_yml = """
- greet
- goodbye
- mood_affirm
type: text