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Created September 9, 2022 00:57
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int indiceDeCaracterEnCadena(char *cadena, char caracter)
int indice = 0;
while (cadena[indice] != '\0')
char actual = cadena[indice];
if (actual == caracter)
return indice;
return -1;
int ultimoIndiceDeCaracterEnCadena(char *cadena, char caracter)
int indice = strlen(cadena) - 1;
while (indice >= 0)
char actual = cadena[indice];
if (actual == caracter)
return indice;
return -1;
int esCorreoElectronico(char correo[MAXIMA_LONGITUD_CADENA])
int indicePunto = indiceDeCaracterEnCadena(correo, '.');
int indiceArroba = indiceDeCaracterEnCadena(correo, '@');
if (indicePunto == -1 || indiceArroba == -1)
return 0;
if (indicePunto != ultimoIndiceDeCaracterEnCadena(correo, '.'))
return 0;
if (indiceArroba != ultimoIndiceDeCaracterEnCadena(correo, '@'))
return 0;
if (indicePunto < indiceArroba)
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("")); // 1
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("parzibyte.ejemplo@com")); // 0
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("parzibyte")); // 0
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("parzibyte@ejemplo")); // 0
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("parzibyte.ejemplo")); // 0
printf("%d\n", esCorreoElectronico("")); // 1
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