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Created April 15, 2019 20:47
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, QuantifiedConstraints, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Effect.Cont where
import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Control.Monad
import Control.Effect.Sum
import Data.Coerce
data Cont (ref :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) k
= forall a . Jump (ref a) a
| forall a . Subst (ref a -> k) (a -> k)
instance HFunctor (Cont ref) where
hmap _ = coerce
deriving instance Functor (Cont ref m)
jump :: (Member (Cont (ref m)) sig, Carrier sig m) => ref m a -> a -> m b
jump r v = send (Jump r v)
subst :: (Member (Cont (Ref m)) sig, Carrier sig m) => (Ref m a -> m b) -> (a -> m b) -> m b
subst r alt = send (Subst r alt)
callCC :: (Member (Cont (Ref m)) sig, Carrier sig m) => ((b -> m b) -> m b) -> m b
callCC f = subst (f . jump) pure
-- | The continuation monad, as per 'ContT'. A 'MonadTrans' instance is omitted
-- because this is not a functor in the category of monads. This should probably
-- always be the topmost carrier in an effect stack, lest you anger the gods.
newtype ContC r m a = ContC { runContC :: (a -> m r) -> m r }
instance Functor (ContC r m) where
fmap f m = ContC $ \ c -> runContC m (c . f)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative (ContC r m) where
pure x = ContC ($ x)
{-# INLINE pure #-}
f <*> v = ContC $ \ c -> runContC f $ \ g -> runContC v (c . g)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
m *> k = m >>= \_ -> k
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
instance Monad (ContC r m) where
m >>= k = ContC $ \ c -> runContC m (\ x -> runContC (k x) c)
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
evalContC :: Applicative m => ContC r m r -> m r
evalContC m = runContC m pure
-- Copied from Control.Monad.Cont
primCallCC :: ((a -> ContC r m b) -> ContC r m a) -> ContC r m a
primCallCC f = ContC $ \ c -> runContC (f (\ x -> ContC $ \ _ -> c x)) c
data Ref m a = forall r . Ref { unRef :: a -> m r }
instance (Effect sig, Carrier sig m) => Carrier (Cont (Ref (ContC r m)) :+: sig) (ContC r m) where
eff (R other) = ContC $ \x -> eff $ hmap (error "[BUG]: ContC reached an unreachable (?) hmap") $ fmap' (flip runContC x) other
eff (L x) = ContC . runContC $ case x of
Jump (Ref exit) v -> exit v *> pure (error "[BUG]: ContC Jump didn't terminate properly")
Subst main eh -> primCallCC $ \exit -> main (Ref (eh >=> exit))
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