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Last active May 29, 2019 06:26
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A How-to for Gh-Ost migrations

GHOST Migration Help 👻


Additional information on gh-ost migrations

1. Setting up the command

  • These steps assume a PR has been created and approved (DON'T MERGE YET)
  • Generate command (output should look something like below)
  gh-ost \
  --user="root" \
  --password="${MASTER_DB_PASSWORD}" \
  --port=3306 \
  --host="" \
  --database="marketplace_production" \
  --table="buyer_fee_credit_notes" \
  --alter="DROP COLUMN \`au_gst_tax_credit_note\`,DROP COLUMN \`eu_vat_tax_credit_note\`" \
  --assume-rbr \
  --hooks-path="/opt/ghost/hooks" \
  --panic-flag-file=/opt/ghost/flags/ghost.panic.flag \
  --postpone-cut-over-flag-file=/opt/ghost/flags/ghost.postpone.flag \
  # [--test-on-replica | 
  # | --migrate-on-replica] \
  • Un-comment to allow on master and execute.

2. Executing the command

  • Connect to customer market cron box.
  ssh customer_market_cron
  • Go to edbot in Slack and find out who the Customer Primary on call person is.
  • Go to the #customer-on-call channel and let them know that we are about to run a gh-ost migration.
  • Start Tmux.
  tmux new -s paulanderson-ghost
  • Create a bash script containing the above command (with MASTER_DB_PASSWORD replaced - Enrico sent password via Keybase).
  • Execute script.

3. Checking the results

  • Once output says Copy: 100% and ETA: due then you can double check the data using checksums.
  • (optional) To ensure you have access to the Replica DB, you can try and connect via Sequel Pro.
  MySQLHOST - reporting-db.customer.envato.internal
  Username - paul.anderson
  Password - (this can be found in keybase conversation with Ross Simpson)
  Database - marketplace_production
  SSH Host -
  SSH User - paulandoman

Select checkbox that says [] Connect using SSL. Note. The Client knows where to find the private ssh key.

  • Create a bash file file
  • Modify the file to contain the following..
  • You need to adjust the original table eg. buyer_fee_credit_notes, and ghost-migrated table eg. _buyer_fee_credit_notes_gho names passed in as arguments (for each time you run the comparison)
  • Get the list of column names via Sequel Pro using right click 'Copy Create Table Syntax'
  #!/usr/bin/env bash


  [ -z $table ] && echo "Please provide a table name" && exit 1

  query="SELECT id, buyer_fee_invoice_id, invoice_document_number, order_id, to_user_id, total, document_number,   eu_vat_charged, created_at, updated_at, from_billing_details_id, to_billing_details_id, tax_type FROM $table ORDER BY id LIMIT $limit"

  # Run the query using the tunnel
  mysql -h -P 3307 -u "$db_user" -p --ssl-mode=REQUIRED --ssl-ca="$cert" -e "$query" marketplace_production | md5 > "$table-$limit-checksum.txt"

  echo "MD5: "
  cat "$table-$limit-checksum.txt"
  • Create an SSH tunnel pointing to the two different tables (note change the table names).
  ssh -NT -L 3307:reporting-db.customer.envato.internal:3306 customer_market_bastion_ap_southeast
  ./ buyer_fee_credit_notes
  ./ _buyer_fee_credit_notes_gho

Note you will be prompted for your SQL password.

The output should look something like this ..

  paulanderson ~/Desktop () $ ./ _buyer_fee_credit_notes_gho
  Enter password: 
  • Close the SSH tunnel, and return to your original Tmux session (MAKE SURE TO NAME THIS _ MAKES IT EASIER TO FIND)
  • Create a new window with CTRL+B, %
  • In the new window un-postpone the socket file. Similar to this ..
  echo unpostpone | nc -U /tmp/gh-ost.marketplace_production.buyer_fee_credit_notes.sock

The copy stream process should die in the other window.

4. Appending to the migration file

  • Connect to the marketplace_production database (the password for this can be found in 1Password -> Market Monolith -> Marketplace ghost cleanup database user)
  mysql \
  --user=ghost_cleanup \ \
  --database=marketplace_production \
  • Get the version from the migration file (it will be the prefix in the file name - and usually the added line in the structure.sql file)
  eg. 20190501010508
  • Now insert the version into the schema migrations table
  eg. INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20190501010508');

5. Clean Up and Delete Table

  • Clean up relevant _del tables.
  • Connect to cron.
  • Switch to the marketplace user (using the Marketplace Puppet (Shadow) password)
  sudo su marketplace
  • Navigate to the latest version of marketplace.
  cd /marketplace/current
  • Create a Tmux session.
  tmux new -s paulanderson-ghost-migration
  • Get the table name using SequelPro (may need to refresh table list to clear cache) eg. _buyer_fee_credit_notes_del
  • Calculate how long the rake tast will take
  (rows / batch_size * 10 seconds delay) / 60 seconds = ~ x minutes
  • Drain the table - this will delete rows in batches and prevent a spike on resource usage.
  eg. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:drain_table[_buyer_fee_credit_notes_del,2500]
  • Drop the table.
  eg. DROP TABLE _buyer_fee_credit_notes_del;
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