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Created September 14, 2017 19:45
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Protocol buffers example
syntax = "proto3";
package sensors;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "EventHubsThroughput.Models.Protobuf";
enum SensorType {
message WeatherSensorReading {
string SensorId = 1;
float Temperature = 3;
float Precipitation = 4;
float Humidity = 5;
message SeismicSensorReading {
string SensorId = 1;
bool QuakeObserved = 3;
float Magnitude = 4;
message Location {
string City = 1;
string Locality = 2;
string ZipCode = 3;
message Metrics {
google.protobuf.Timestamp EnqueueTime = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp Timestamp = 2;
message WeatherReadingBatch {
repeated WeatherSensorReading SensorReadings = 1;
message SeismicReadingBatch {
repeated SeismicSensorReading SensorReadings = 1;
message LocationEnrichedWeatherData {
Location Location = 1;
Metrics Metrics = 2;
WeatherSensorReading SensorReading = 3;
message LocationEnrichedSeismicData {
Location Location = 1;
Metrics Metrics = 2;
SeismicSensorReading SensorReading = 3;
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