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Created November 27, 2016 17:29
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#include "cinder/Rand.h"
#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
class InstancedCirclesApp : public App {
static void prepare( Settings *settings );
void setup() override;
void update() override;
void draw() override;
std::vector<ci::vec4> mInstanceData;
size_t mInstanceCount;
gl::GlslProgRef mGlslProg;
gl::VboRef mInstanceVbo;
gl::VboMeshRef mVboMesh;
gl::BatchRef mBatch;
void InstancedCirclesApp::prepare( Settings *settings )
settings->setDefaultWindowFormat( Window::Format().resizable( false ).size( 800, 600 ) );
void InstancedCirclesApp::setup()
mInstanceCount = 0;
// Create a bunch of randomly positioned circles and store them in our vector.
// The w-component will hold the radius. Since this is our initial data, the
// radius value is not important, so we set it to 1. See update().
mInstanceData.resize( 1024 );
for( auto &circle : mInstanceData ) {
circle.x = Rand::randFloat( float( getWindowWidth() ) );
circle.y = Rand::randFloat( float( getWindowHeight() ) );
circle.z = 0.0f;
circle.w = 1.0f;
// Create a buffer for our instanced data. We'll use this buffer to offset and scale the mesh
// and render it once for each circle instance. The buffer will be used to update the CUSTOM_0 attribute.
geom::BufferLayout instanceDataLayout;
instanceDataLayout.append( geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, 4, 0 /* stride */, 0 /* offset */, 1 /* per instance */ );
mInstanceVbo = gl::Vbo::create( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mInstanceData.size() * sizeof( ci::vec4 ),, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW );
// Create a mesh for our circle. Position it with its center at the origin with a radius of 1.
// This makes it easy to manipulate the position and radius in our vertex shader.
mVboMesh = gl::VboMesh::create( geom::Circle().center( vec2( 0 ) ).radius( 1 ).subdivisions( 30 ) );
// Append the instanced data to the mesh, so we have access to all the data in our vertex shader.
mVboMesh->appendVbo( instanceDataLayout, mInstanceVbo );
// Create the shader.
auto fmt = gl::GlslProg::Format();
fmt.version( 150 );
"uniform mat4 ciModelViewProjection;\n"
"in vec4 ciPosition;\n" // The vertices of our geom::Circle.
"in vec4 ciColor;\n" // The current draw color.
"in vec4 iPositionAndRadius;\n" // The per-instance position and radius of our circles.
"out vec4 vertColor;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
// Scale and translate the circle.
" vec4 position = ciPosition;\n"
" *= iPositionAndRadius.w;\n"
" +=;\n"
// Output the vertex color.
" vertColor = ciColor;\n"
// Required: output the clip space position.
" gl_Position = ciModelViewProjection * position;\n"
"}" );
"in vec4 vertColor;\n"
"out vec4 fragColor;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
" fragColor = vertColor;\n"
"}" );
mGlslProg = gl::GlslProg::create( fmt );
// Create the batch. Tell the shader it can find the 'iPositionAndRadius' attribute in the CUSTOM_0 location.
mBatch = gl::Batch::create( mVboMesh, mGlslProg, { { geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, "iPositionAndRadius" } } );
// Disable vertical sync, so we can see the maximum frame rate.
gl::enableVerticalSync( false );
void InstancedCirclesApp::update()
Rand::randSeed( 12345 );
// As an example, we'll animate the circle's radii. If the radius is less than zero,
// the circle will be invisible and should not be drawn. In that case, we'll skip it.
mInstanceCount = 0;
auto ptr = (ci::vec4 *)mInstanceVbo->mapReplace(); // Using mapReplace() will give us the best performance. The GPU can discard existing data.
for( auto &circle : mInstanceData ) {
circle.w = float( 5.0 + 10.0 * sin( Rand::randInt() + getElapsedSeconds() ) );
if( circle.w > 0.0f ) {
*ptr++ = circle; // Copy circle to the buffer, then increment the pointer.
mInstanceVbo->unmap(); // Never forget to unmap.
void InstancedCirclesApp::draw()
if( mInstanceCount > 0 ) {
// Draw the geom::Circle 'mInstanceCount' times. For each instance, use the next value
// in our iPositionAndRadius buffer. The vertex shader will adjust the vertices and
// render the circle with the correct size and position.
mBatch->drawInstanced( mInstanceCount );
// Render FPS and instance count.
gl::ScopedColor scpColor( 0, 0, 0, 0.8f );
gl::ScopedBlendAlpha scpBlend;
gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf( 0, 0, getWindowWidth(), 40 ) );
std::stringstream strFps, strCount;
strFps << int( getAverageFps() ) << " FPS";
strCount << mInstanceCount << " Instances";
gl::drawString( strFps.str(), vec2( 10, 10 ), Color( 1, 1, 0 ) );
gl::drawString( strCount.str(), vec2( 10, 20 ), Color( 1, 1, 0 ) );
CINDER_APP( InstancedCirclesApp, RendererGl( RendererGl::Options().msaa( 16 ) ), &InstancedCirclesApp::prepare )
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