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Created July 26, 2018 05:03
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Find Max Cardinality Using Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm
import java.util.Iterator;
public class HopcroftKarp
private static final int UNMATCHED = -1;
private final int V; // number of vertices in the graph
private BipartiteX bipartition; // the bipartition
private int cardinality; // cardinality of current matching
private int[] mate; // mate[v] = w if v-w is an edge in current matching
// = -1 if v is not in current matching
private boolean[] inMinVertexCover; // inMinVertexCover[v] = true iff v is in min vertex cover
private boolean[] marked; // marked[v] = true iff v is reachable via alternating path
private int[] distTo; // distTo[v] = number of edges on shortest path to v
public HopcroftKarp( Graph G )
bipartition = new BipartiteX( G );
if ( !bipartition.isBipartite() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "graph is not bipartite" );
this.V = G.V();
mate = new int[ V ];
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
mate[ v ] = UNMATCHED;
while ( hasAugmentingPath( G ) )
Iterator<Integer>[] adj = ( Iterator<Integer>[] ) new Iterator[ G.V() ];
for ( int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++ )
adj[ v ] = G.adj( v ).iterator();
for ( int s = 0; s < V; s++ )
if ( isMatched( s ) || !bipartition.color( s ) ) continue; // or use distTo[s] == 0
Stack<Integer> path = new Stack<Integer>();
path.push( s );
while ( !path.isEmpty() )
int v = path.peek();
if ( !adj[ v ].hasNext() )
else {
int w = adj[ v ].next();
if ( !isLevelGraphEdge( v, w ) ) continue;
path.push( w );
if ( !isMatched( w ) )
// StdOut.println("augmenting path: " + toString(path));
while ( !path.isEmpty() )
int x = path.pop();
int y = path.pop();
mate[ x ] = y;
mate[ y ] = x;
inMinVertexCover = new boolean[ V ];
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( bipartition.color( v ) && !marked[ v ] ) inMinVertexCover[ v ] = true;
if ( !bipartition.color( v ) && marked[ v ] ) inMinVertexCover[ v ] = true;
assert certifySolution( G );
private static String toString( Iterable<Integer> path )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int v : path )
sb.append( v + "-" );
String s = sb.toString();
s = s.substring( 0, s.lastIndexOf( '-' ) );
return s;
private boolean isLevelGraphEdge( int v, int w )
return ( distTo[ w ] == distTo[ v ] + 1 ) && isResidualGraphEdge( v, w );
private boolean isResidualGraphEdge( int v, int w )
if ( ( mate[ v ] != w ) && bipartition.color( v ) ) return true;
if ( ( mate[ v ] == w ) && !bipartition.color( v ) ) return true;
return false;
private boolean hasAugmentingPath( Graph G )
marked = new boolean[ V ];
distTo = new int[ V ];
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
distTo[ v ] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Queue<Integer> queue = new Queue<Integer>();
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( bipartition.color( v ) && !isMatched( v ) )
queue.enqueue( v );
marked[ v ] = true;
distTo[ v ] = 0;
boolean hasAugmentingPath = false;
while ( !queue.isEmpty() )
int v = queue.dequeue();
for ( int w : G.adj( v ) )
if ( isResidualGraphEdge( v, w ) )
if ( !marked[ w ] )
distTo[ w ] = distTo[ v ] + 1;
marked[ w ] = true;
if ( !isMatched( w ) )
hasAugmentingPath = true;
if ( !hasAugmentingPath ) queue.enqueue( w );
return hasAugmentingPath;
public int mate( int v )
validate( v );
return mate[ v ];
public boolean isMatched( int v )
validate( v );
return mate[ v ] != UNMATCHED;
public int size() { return cardinality; }
public boolean isPerfect() { return cardinality * 2 == V; }
public boolean inMinVertexCover( int v )
validate( v );
return inMinVertexCover[ v ];
private void validate( int v )
if ( v < 0 || v >= V )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "vertex " + v + " is not between 0 and " + ( V - 1 ) );
private boolean certifySolution( Graph G )
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( mate( v ) == -1 ) continue;
if ( mate( mate( v ) ) != v ) return false;
int matchedVertices = 0;
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( mate( v ) != -1 ) matchedVertices++;
if ( 2*size() != matchedVertices ) return false;
int sizeOfMinVertexCover = 0;
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( inMinVertexCover( v ) ) sizeOfMinVertexCover++;
if ( size() != sizeOfMinVertexCover ) return false;
boolean[] isMatched = new boolean[ V ];
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
int w = mate[ v ];
if ( w == -1 ) continue;
if ( v == w ) return false;
if ( v >= w ) continue;
if ( isMatched[ v ] || isMatched[ w ] ) return false;
isMatched[ v ] = true;
isMatched[ w ] = true;
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
if ( mate( v ) == -1 ) continue;
boolean isEdge = false;
for ( int w : G.adj( v ) )
if ( mate( v ) == w ) isEdge = true;
if ( !isEdge ) return false;
for ( int v = 0; v < V; v++ )
for ( int w : G.adj( v ) )
if ( !inMinVertexCover( v ) && !inMinVertexCover( w ) ) return false;
return true;
public static void main( String[] args )
int V1 = Integer.parseInt( args[ 0 ] );
int V2 = Integer.parseInt( args[ 1 ] );
int E = Integer.parseInt( args[ 2 ] );
Graph G = GraphGenerator.bipartite( V1, V2, E );
if ( G.V() < 1000 ) StdOut.println( G );
HopcroftKarp matching = new HopcroftKarp( G );
StdOut.printf( "Number of edges in max matching = %d\n", matching.size() );
StdOut.printf( "Number of vertices in min vertex cover = %d\n", matching.size() );
StdOut.printf( "Graph has a perfect matching = %b\n", matching.isPerfect() );
if ( G.V() >= 1000 ) return;
StdOut.print( "Max matching: " );
for ( int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++ )
int w = matching.mate( v );
if (matching.isMatched( v ) && v < w ) // print each edge only once
StdOut.print( v + "-" + w + " " );
StdOut.print( "Min vertex cover: " );
for ( int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++ )
if ( matching.inMinVertexCover( v ) )
StdOut.print( v + " " );
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