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Created March 17, 2018 22:59
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* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
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package matryoshka
import scala.{Boolean, Int, Option}
import matryoshka.Recursive.ops._
import monocle._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object ttypes {
type ->[+A, +B] = (A, B)
type PairOf[+A] = A -> A
type SumOf[+A] = A \/ A
trait Interpret[T[_[_]]] {
type ^[Outer[_], Inner[_]] = Outer[T[Inner]]
trait Transform[F[_], G[_]] {
type FTF = F[T[F]]
type GTG = G[T[G]]
/** Bottom-up transforms. */
type GAlgebraicM[W[_], M[_]] = F[W ^ G] => M[G ^ G]
type AlgebraicM[M[_]] = F ^ G => M[G ^ G] // GAlgebraicM[Id, M]
type GAlgebraic[W[_]] = F[W ^ G] => G ^ G // GAlgebraicM[W, Id]
type Algebraic = F ^ G => G ^ G // GAlgebraicM[Id, Id]
/** Top-down transforms. */
type GCoalgebraicM[N[_], M[_]] = F ^ F => M[G[N ^ F]]
type CoalgebraicM[M[_]] = F ^ F => M[G ^ F ] // GCoalgebraicM[Id, M]
type GCoalgebraic[N[_]] = F ^ F => G[N ^ F] // GCoalgebraicM[N, Id]
type Coalgebraic = F ^ F => G ^ F // GCoalgebraicM[Id, Id]
type GTransformM[W[_], M[_], F[_], G[_]] = GAlgebraicTransformM[T, W, M, F, G]
type GTransform[W[_], F[_], G[_]] = GAlgebraicTransform[T, W, F, G]
def substitute[F[_]](original: T[F], replacement: T[F])(implicit T: Equal[T[F]]): T[F] => SumOf[T[F]] =
find[F](_ ≟ original)(_).leftMap(_ => replacement)
def find[F[_]](f: T[F] => Boolean): T[F] => SumOf[T[F]] =
tf => if (f(tf)) tf.left else tf.right
trait RecursiveT[T[_[_]]] extends Interpret[T] {
implicit def recursive: Recursive[T]
def count[F[_]: Functor: Foldable](form: T[F]): GAlgebra[T[F] -> ?, F, Int] =
e => e.foldRight(if (e ∘ (_._1) == form.project) 1 else 0)(_._2 + _)
def distApo[F[_]: Functor]: DistributiveLaw[T[F] \/ ?, F] =
def zipTuple[F[_]: Functor: Zip]: Coalgebra[F, PairOf[T[F]]] =
p => Zip[F].zip(p._1.project, p._2.project)
def alignThese[F[_]: Align]: ElgotCoalgebra[T[F] \/ ?, F, T[F] \&/ T[F]] =
_.fold(_.left, _.left, (a, b) => a.project.align(b.project).right)
def mergeTuple[F[_]: Functor: Merge]: CoalgebraM[Option, F, PairOf[T[F]]] =
p => Merge[F].merge(p._1.project, p._2.project)
trait CorecursiveT[T[_[_]]] extends Interpret[T] {
implicit def corecursive: Corecursive[T]
def distPara[F[_]: Functor]: DistributiveLaw[F, T[F] -> ?] =
def attrSelf[F[_]: Functor]: Algebra[F, Cofree[F, T[F]]] =
def transformToAlgebra[W[_], M[_]: Functor, F[_], G[_]: Functor](
self: GTransformM[W, M, F, G]):
GAlgebraM[W, M, F, T[G]] =
self(_) ∘ (_.embed)
trait BirecursiveT[T[_[_]]] extends RecursiveT[T] with CorecursiveT[T] {
def recCorecIso[F[_]: Functor] = AlgebraIso[F, T[F]](_.embed)(_.project)
def lambekIso[F[_]: Functor] = AlgebraIso[F, T[F]](colambek)(lambek)
def foldIso[F[_]: Functor, A](alg: AlgebraIso[F, A]) = Iso[T[F], A](_ cata alg.get)(_ ana alg.reverseGet)
def foldPrism[F[_]: Traverse, A](alg: AlgebraPrism[F, A]) = Prism[T[F], A](recursive.cataM(_)(alg.getOption))(_ ana alg.reverseGet)
def unfoldPrism[F[_]: Traverse, A](coalg: CoalgebraPrism[F, A]) = Prism[A, T[F]](_ anaM coalg.getOption)(_ cata coalg.reverseGet)
object FixT extends BirecursiveT[Fix] {
implicit def recursive = Fix.recursive
implicit def corecursive = Fix.corecursive
object MuT extends BirecursiveT[Mu] {
implicit def recursive = Mu.recursive
implicit def corecursive = Mu.corecursive
object NuT extends BirecursiveT[Nu] {
implicit def recursive = Nu.recursive
implicit def corecursive = Nu.corecursive
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