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Created April 1, 2018 18:56
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Creating a fake Spycoin chain
import hashlib
import struct
import itertools
#functions from original file
def verify_block(hash, block_num):
# Difficulty history:
# We increased difficulty starting from block 52, have to match "Spy".
# We increased difficulty starting from block 138, have to match "SpyCoinXoXo".
if block_num < 52:
return hash.startswith("Sp")
if block_num < 138:
return hash.startswith("Spy")
return hash.startswith("SpyCoinXoXo")
def block_hash(block):
step1 = hashlib.md5(block).digest()
step2 = hashlib.md5(step1).digest()
return step2
def find_bytes(block, block_num):
found = None
#print block_hash(tr)
for k in range(1,10):
if found is not None:
print 'Testing ',k
for i in itertools.product(range(255), repeat=k):
b = block + (''.join(map(chr,i)))
h = block_hash(b)
if verify_block(h, block_num):
found = (''.join(map(chr,i)),h)
return found
#construct new spycoin block
current = open('current_blockchain','rb').read()
current = bytearray(current)
newone = current[0:0x64+1]
def add_funds(src, amount):
secret = struct.pack("8s","Secret20")
#add transffers
transfer = bytearray()
transfer.append(0x03) #type
transfer += src.decode('hex') #from
transfer += secret #to
transfer += struct.pack("I", amount) #amount
return transfer
tr = bytearray()
tr += add_funds("626973686f700000", 98830)
tr += add_funds("6b61790000000000", 91400)
tr += add_funds("627269736f747700", 142487)
tr += add_funds("6167656e74393900", 90210)
tr += add_funds("646f6e706564726f", 45032)
tr += add_funds("6e61746173686100", 500000-98830-91400-142487-90210-45032)
block_num = 1
#print block_hash(tr)
confirm = current[0x65:0x65+0x12]
found = find_bytes(confirm[1:]+tr, block_num)
block_num += 1
#print 'Found: ',found
tr += found[0]
confirm[0] = 0x11+len(tr)
hash = found[1]
newone += confirm
newone += tr
while len(newone) < len(current):
print 'Newone size: ',len(newone), 'Current: ', len(current)
filler = bytearray()
filler += '\xff' #size
filler += '\x02'+hash
filler += '\x00'
filler += '\xff'*230
found = find_bytes(filler[1:], block_num)
filler += found[0]
filler[0] = len(filler)-1
block_num += 1
hash = found[1]
newone += filler
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