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Last active May 31, 2018 06:26
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package com.team2073.common.util;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
public class LogFileCleaner {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogFileCleaner.class);
// static SortedSet<File> listOfFilesYoungerThanTwoWeeks = new TreeSet<File>();
static List<File> listOfFilesYoungerThanTwoWeeks = new ArrayList<File>();
static long maxSizeAllowedInFolder;
static int howMuchDeleted = 0;
static File baseDir;
static boolean iteratedOverDeleteRecursivelyMethodAlready = false;
public static void deleteFilesRecursivelyOverDirs(String directoryPath, long maxSize) {
if (iteratedOverDeleteRecursivelyMethodAlready == false) {
File baseDirectory = new File(directoryPath);
baseDir = baseDirectory;
iteratedOverDeleteRecursivelyMethodAlready = true;
// TODO: maxSizeAllowedInFolder is always 0 here
deleteFilesRecursivelyOverDirs(directoryPath, maxSizeAllowedInFolder);
} else {
File baseDirectory = new File(directoryPath);
maxSizeAllowedInFolder = maxSize;
//TODO: Sort these by dateLastModified before iterating them. Currently you are grabbing files in a random order
File[] listingSubDirs = baseDirectory.listFiles();
long TWO_WEEKS = 1209600000;
if (baseDirectory.exists()) {
for (File subDir : listingSubDirs) {
// TODO: Don't need this line, subDir is the same before and after
subDir = new File(baseDirectory, subDir.getName());
if (subDir.isFile()) {
} else {// If sub part of base is not file, but directory.
// TODO: This is where you need to recursively call deleteFilesRecursivelyOverDirs on this directory
String nameOfSubDir = subDir.getPath();"[{}] is not a file, but a directory.", nameOfSubDir);
// LANA: At the end, print how many files and how much space you cleared, in mb
} else {"This directory [{}] does not exist.", baseDirectory);
private static void delete(File file) {
Date dt = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (beDeleted(file)) {"Deleting file [{}], which is [{}] kb. The date is [{}].", file, file.length() / 1000, dt);
// TODO: Use howMuchDeleted++ instead
howMuchDeleted = howMuchDeleted + 1;"Deleted [{}] files.", howMuchDeleted);
} else {"[{}] does not have to be deleted.", file);
// LANA: Change this method to only check if a file is past the
// allowed date last modified and return a boolean. Use this return to delete
// the
// file in the method that calls this
private static boolean beDeleted(File fileBeingDeleted) {
long lastModified = fileBeingDeleted.lastModified();
long difference = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastModified;
File parentDir = baseDir.getParentFile();
if (difference > 50 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
return true;
// TODO: Read the JavaDocs on parentDir.length(), that's where your main problem is
} else if (parentDir.length() / 1000 > maxSizeAllowedInFolder) {"The base dir [{}] is bigger than max specified amount: [{}].", parentDir.getPath(),
return false;
} else {
return false;
public static void sortingAndDeletingFilesLessThanThreshHold() {
int indexIncrement = 0;
int howMuchDeletedToLimitSpace = 0;
// Collections.sort(listOfFilesYoungerThanTwoWeeks, new
// DateLastModifiedComparator());
// Comparator<File> fileComparator = (File a, File b) ->
//, b.lastModified()); DateLastModifiedComparator())
.forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));
while(baseDir.getParentFile().length()/1000 > maxSizeAllowedInFolder) {
File getRidOf = listOfFilesYoungerThanTwoWeeks.get(0);
howMuchDeletedToLimitSpace = howMuchDeletedToLimitSpace + 1;
}"Deleted [{}] files to maintain specified directory space.",
howMuchDeletedToLimitSpace );
class DateLastModifiedComparator implements Comparator<File> {
public int compare(File o1, File o2) {
// TODO: Delete this TODO
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (o1.lastModified() > o2.lastModified()) {
return 1;
if (o2.lastModified() > o1.lastModified()) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
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