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Created August 3, 2017 17:47
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
--resolver lts-8.11
--package aeson
--package filepath
--package http-client-tls
-- -Wall
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import System.FilePath
data Rename = Rename
{ _rFrom :: FilePath
, _rTo :: FilePath
data Movie = Movie
{ mTitle :: String
, mReleaseYear :: String
instance FromJSON Movie where
parseJSON = withObject "Movie" $ \o -> Movie
<$> o .: "title"
<*> (take 4 <$> o .: "release_date")
data SearchResults = SearchResults
{ _sPage :: Int
, _sTotalPages :: Int
, _sTotalResults :: Int
, sResults :: [Movie]
instance FromJSON SearchResults where
parseJSON = withObject "SearchResults" $ \o -> SearchResults
<$> o .: "page"
<*> o .: "total_pages"
<*> o .: "total_results"
<*> o .: "results"
main :: IO ()
main = do
mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
paths <- lines <$> readFile "movies.txt"
renames <- mapM (propose mgr) paths
forM_ renames $ \(Rename from to) ->
putStrLn $ "aws s3 cp '" <> from <> "' 's3://" <> to <> "'"
propose :: Manager -> FilePath -> IO Rename
propose mgr fp =
(\_ -> Rename fp inferred)
(\ms -> Rename fp $ fromMovies ms)
<$> search mgr (toQuery fp)
inferred = map underscored (toQuery fp) <.> takeExtension fp
fromMovies (m:_) = map underscored (mTitle m) <> "_" <> mReleaseYear m <.> takeExtension fp
fromMovies _ = inferred
search :: Manager -> String -> IO (Either String [Movie])
search mgr query = do
let url = mconcat
[ apiBase, "/search/movie"
, "?api_key=", apiToken
, "&query=", query
, "&language=en"
req <- parseUrlThrow url
body <- responseBody <$> httpLbs req mgr
return $ sResults <$> eitherDecode body
apiBase = ""
apiToken = "..."
toQuery :: FilePath -> String
toQuery =
unwords . map capitalize . words .
map spaced . dropExtension . takeFileName
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
spaced :: Char -> Char
spaced '_' = ' '
spaced x = x
underscored :: Char -> Char
underscored ' ' = '_'
underscored x = x
-- vim: ft=haskell
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