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Last active December 4, 2024 00:07
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  • Save pchalasani/9e71c58d2f846412b253ae0ecf0ae70e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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zed config
// Zed settings
// For information on how to configure Zed, see the Zed
// documentation:
// To see all of Zed's default settings without changing your
// custom settings, run the `open default settings` command
// from the command palette or from `Zed` application menu.
// The settings for slash commands.
"slash_commands": {
// Settings for the `/docs` slash command.
"docs": {
// Whether `/docs` is enabled.
"enabled": true
// Settings for the `/project` slash command.
"project": {
// Whether `/project` is enabled.
"enabled": true
"assistant": {
"default_model": {
"provider": "",
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-latest"
"version": "2"
"buffer_font_family": "Monaco", //"JetBrains Mono",
//"buffer_font_weight": 500,
//"buffer_line_height": 1.2,
"theme": "One Dark", //"New Darcula",
"language_models": {
"openai": {
"version": "1",
"api_url": "",
"low_speed_timeout_in_seconds": 600,
"available_models": [
"name": "llama-3.1-8b-instant",
"max_tokens": 10000
"name": "llama-3.1-70b-versatile",
"max_tokens": 32000
"name": "gemma2-9b-it",
"max_tokens": 6000
// "assistant": {
// "provider": null,
// "default_model": {
// "provider": "openai",
// "model": "llama-3.1-70b-versatile"
// },
// "version": "2"
// },
"languages": {
"Python": {
"language_servers": ["ruff", "!pylsp", "python-refactoring", "!pyright"],
"format_on_save": "on",
"formatter": [
"code_actions": {
"source.organizeImports.ruff": true,
"source.fixAll.ruff": true
"language_server": {
"name": "ruff"
"lsp": {
"pyright": {
"settings": {
"python": {
"pythonPath": ".venv/bin/python"
"features": {
"inline_completion_provider": "copilot" //"supermaven" // or "copilot"
"show_inline_completions": true, // set to false to disable inline completions
"terminal": { "font_family": "MesloLGS NF"}, // for zsh/oh-my-zsh compatibility
"show_wrap_guides": true,
// Character counts at which to show wrap guides in the editor.
"wrap_guides": [88],
// How to soft-wrap long lines of text.
// Possible values:
// 1. Do not soft wrap.
// "soft_wrap": "none",
// 2. Prefer a single line generally, unless an overly long line is encountered.
// "soft_wrap": "prefer_line",
// 3. Soft wrap lines that overflow the editor.
// "soft_wrap": "editor_width",
// 4. Soft wrap lines at the preferred line length.
// "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length",
"soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length",
// The column at which to soft-wrap lines, for buffers where soft-wrap
// is enabled.
"preferred_line_length": 88,
"experimental.theme_overrides": {
"syntax": {
"comment": {
"color": "#586e75",
"font_style": "oblique"
"string.doc": {
"color": "#6a6a6a",
"font_style": "oblique"
"project_panel": {
// Whether to show the project panel button in the status bar
"button": true,
// Default width of the project panel.
"default_width": 240,
// Where to dock the project panel. Can be 'left' or 'right'.
"dock": "left",
// Whether to show file icons in the project panel.
"file_icons": true,
// Whether to show folder icons or chevrons for directories in the project panel.
"folder_icons": false
"base_keymap": "JetBrains",
"telemetry": {
"metrics": false,
"diagnostics": false
"buffer_font_size": 16,
"autosave": { "after_delay": { "milliseconds": 500 } },
"git": {
"inline_blame": {
"enabled": false
// Sets a delay after which the inline blame information is shown.
// Delay is restarted with every cursor movement.
// "delay_ms": 600
"telemetry": {
// Send debug info like crash reports.
"diagnostics": false,
// Send anonymized usage data like what languages you're using Zed with.
"metrics": false
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