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Last active October 22, 2015 15:13
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Alternate Score type for csound-expression
{-# Language DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# Language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# Language DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
module Score where
import Csound.Base
data Params = Params { duration0 :: !Double, volume0 :: D, sustain0 :: !Double }
params0 :: Params
params0 = Params 0 0 0
-- | A score with statically known duration
data Score a
= Mel !Double (Score a) (Score a)
| Har !Double (Score a) (Score a)
| Sample !Params a
| Zero deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type instance DurOf (Score a) = Double
instance Duration (Score a) where
dur (Mel d _ _) = d
dur (Har d _ _) = d
dur (Sample (Params d _ _) _) = d
dur Zero = 0
instance Melody (Score a) where
mel [] = Zero
mel s = foldr1 h s where
h s1 s2 = Mel (dur s1 + dur s2) s1 s2
instance Harmony (Score a) where
har [] = Zero
har s = foldr1 h s where
h s1 s2 = Har (dur s1 `max` dur s2) s1 s2
instance Monoid a => Rest (Score a) where
rest d = Sample (params0 { duration0 = d }) mempty
instance Limit (Score a) where
lim d s | dur s <= d = s -- we're ok
lim _ Zero = Zero
lim d (Sample p f) = Sample (p { duration0 = d }) f
lim d (Mel _ a b) = if dur a > d then lim d a
else mel [a, lim (d - dur a) b]
lim d (Har _ a b) = har [lim d a, lim d b]
instance Stretch (Score a) where
str _ Zero = Zero
str d (Sample p f) = Sample (p { duration0 = duration0 p * d }) f
str d (Har d0 a b) = Har (d0*d) (str d a) (str d b)
str d (Mel d0 a b) = Mel (d0*d) (str d a) (str d b)
instance Monoid a => Delay (Score a) where
del by s = mel [ rest by, s ]
instance Compose (Score a) where
resample :: (Params -> a -> (Params, b)) -> Score a -> Score b
resample f s = case s of
Zero -> Zero
Har d a b -> Har d (resample f a) (resample f b)
Mel d a b -> Mel d (resample f a) (resample f b)
Sample ps a -> let (ps2,a2) = f ps a in Sample ps2 a2
hold :: Double -> Score a -> Score a
hold d = resample go where
go (Params dur vol sus) a = (Params dur vol (sus+d), a)
class Playable s where
playAt :: Params -> s -> SE Sig2
run :: Playable n => Score n -> Sco (Mix Sig2)
run s = case s of
Zero -> mel []
Sample params note -> sco (const $ playAt params note) (str (double (dur s)) $ temp (0 :: D))
Har _ s1 s2 -> run s1 =:= run s2
Mel _ s1 s2 -> run s1 +:+ run s2
play :: Playable n => Score n -> IO ()
play s = (dac . mix . run) s
data Note = Note D (D -> Params -> SE Sig2)
hz :: Note -> D
hz (Note freq _) = freq
newtype Sound = Sound (Params -> SE Sig2)
patch :: Patch Sig2 -> Score Note -> Score Note
patch f s = resample go s where
go ps (Note hz _) = (ps, Note hz $ \hz (Params _ vol _) -> ar2 <$> atNote f (vol,hz))
font :: Sf -> Score Note -> Score Note
font f s = resample go s where
go ps (Note hz _) = (ps, Note hz $ \hz (Params _ vol sus) -> pure (sfCps3 f (double sus) vol hz))
instrument :: (D -> Params -> SE Sig2) -> Score Note -> Score Note
instrument f s = resample go s where
go ps (Note hz _) = (ps, Note hz f)
timbre :: (D -> Sig) -> Score Note -> Score Note
timbre f = instrument (\hz _ -> pure $ fromMono (f hz))
timbre2 :: (D -> Sig2) -> Score Note -> Score Note
timbre2 f = instrument (\hz _ -> pure $ f hz)
instance Playable Note where
playAt ps (Note hz f) = f hz ps
instance Playable Sound where
playAt ps (Sound f) = f ps
instance Monoid Note where
mempty = Note 0 (\_ _ -> pure (0,0))
mappend (Note hz1 f1) (Note hz2 f2) = Note (hz1 + hz2) (\hz ps -> (+) <$> f1 hz ps <*> f2 hz ps)
instance Monoid Sound where
mempty = Sound (\_ -> pure (0,0))
mappend (Sound f1) (Sound f2) = Sound (\ps -> (+) <$> f1 ps <*> f2 ps)
instance SigSpace Note where
mapSig f (Note hz g) = Note hz (\hz ps -> mapSig f <$> g hz ps)
instance SigSpace Sound where
mapSig f (Sound g) = Sound (\ps -> mapSig f <$> g ps)
instance SigSpace a => SigSpace (Score a) where
mapSig f x = fmap (mapSig f) x
note :: D -> Score Note
note hz = Sample (Params 1 1 0) (Note hz $ \hz (Params _ vol _) -> pure
(sig vol * osc (sig hz), sig vol * osc (sig hz)))
-- | Transcribe up an octave
up :: Score Note -> Score Note
up = transcribe (2*)
-- | Transcribe down an octave
down :: Score Note -> Score Note
down = transcribe ((1/2) *)
-- | Shift the frequency of notes in this score using the given function
transcribe :: (D -> D) -> Score Note -> Score Note
transcribe freqf = fmap (\(Note hz f) -> Note (freqf hz) f)
-- | Map over the base amplitude of notes in this score
vol :: (D -> D) -> Score a -> Score a
vol f = resample go where
go (Params d v0 s) a = (Params d (f v0) s, a)
-- e.g. bpm (140/4) is 140 quarter notes per minute
bpm :: Double -> Score a -> Score a
bpm n = str (60 / n)
triplets, wholes, halves, quarters, eighths, sixteenths :: [Score a] -> Score a
triplets = str (1/3*1/4) . mel
wholes = mel
halves = str (1/2) . mel
quarters = str (1/4) . mel
eighths = str (1/8) . mel
sixteenths = str (1/16) . mel
n16, n8, n4, n2, n1 :: [Score a] -> Score a
n16 = sixteenths
n8 = eighths
n4 = quarters
n2 = halves
n1 = wholes
r16, r8, r4, r2, r1 :: Monoid a => Score a
r16 = rest (1/16)
r8 = rest (1/8)
r4 = rest (1/4)
r2 = rest (1/2)
r1 = rest 1
dot :: Score a -> Score a
dot = str (1+1/2)
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