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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Testing CometD in mocha/node.js environment
additionalCompileOptions: [
additionalJSDocToolkitOptions: [
'-a',// '-v', '-p',
jsdocToolkitTemplate: 'codeview',
additionalLinterOptions: [
'-e', '/node/'
npm install -g node-gyp
# jsdom must be installed at 3.x; the 4.x versions only run in io.js now.
npm install jsdom@3.1.2
npm install ws jquery-deferred nclosure
mocha --harmony --recursive --timeout 20000 --reporter spec src/main/js/spec
// Setup global state to mimic browser environment.
var assert = require('assert');
var jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom;
var ws = require('ws');
var jQuery = require('jquery-deferred');
// Browserlike globals
var document = jsdom('<html></html>');
var window = document.parentWindow;
var location = window.location;
// Provide websocket
window.WebSocket = ws;
// Export these on global
global.document = document;
global.window = window;
global.location = location;
global.jQuery = jQuery;
global.$ = jQuery;
// I am using nclosure for closure library access. This will look for a file
// 'closure.json' that includes additional dependencies including the cometd.js and
// jquery.cometd.js files. These files could also be integrated with
// require('./cometd.js'); statements also.
// describe() and it() are mocha-specific and can be removed
describe('global environment', function () {
it('browserlike environment should exist', function() {
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