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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save peaeater/9650933 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Processes Internet Archive packages, producing 1 txt, djvu xml, jpg per page of a digitized publication, plus an XML manifest. The output is intended for ingest by Solr through Andi's DIH handler. Jobs are broken into subscript dependencies. Requires imagemagick and djvulibre.
# processes Internet Archive packages, producing per page: 1 txt, 1 ocrxml, 1 jpg
# requires djvulibre, imagemagick
[string]$indir = ".",
[string]$outbase = $indir
function WebSafe([string]$s) {
return $s.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "-")
$files = ls "$indir\*.*" -include *.djvu
foreach ($file in $files) {
$djvu = $file.FullName
# extract .txt per djvu page
& .\djvu2txt.ps1 -in "$djvu"
# extract hidden text .xml per djvu page
& .\djvu2xml.ps1 -in "$djvu"
# create dir for jpgs based on djvu filename
$jpgdir = ('{0}\{1}' -f $outbase, (WebSafe($file.BaseName)))
if (!(test-path $jpgdir)) {
mkdir $jpgdir
# extract .jp2 a la .NET 4
$zip = get-item (('{0}\{1}' -f $file.DirectoryName, $file.BaseName))
$jp2dir = ('{0}\{1}_jp2' -f $file.DirectoryName, $file.BaseName)
if (!(test-path $jp2dir)) {
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $file.DirectoryName)
# rename .jp2 to just page #s
$jp2s = ls "$jp2dir"
foreach ($jp2 in $jp2s) {
$pattern = ('{0}_0*' -f $file.BaseName)
$newname = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($jp2.Name, $pattern, "")
ren -path $jp2.FullName -newname $newname
# delete scan job marker images
del ('{0}\.jp2' -f $jp2dir)
del ('{0}\{1}' -f $jp2dir, $newname)
# convert .jp2 to .jpg
& .\jp22jpg.ps1 -size 1000 -in "$jp2dir" -outdir $jpgdir
# clean up
del -Recurse $jp2dir
# convert IA metadata to manifest
$metadata = ('{0}\{1}_meta.xml' -f $file.DirectoryName, $file.BaseName)
$manifest = ('{0}\manifest.xml' -f $file.DirectoryName)
$source = [System.IO.Directory]::GetParent($file.DirectoryName).BaseName
& .\meta2manifest.ps1 -in $metadata -out $manifest -source $source
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