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Last active January 19, 2016 07:39
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# Written by Can Uludag
# Co-Founder at Peakode & Lead Android Engineer
# We are using below libraries
import requests
import json
import urllib
# Base public search api
base_api_url = ''
# Your token from NYPL API page. You need to sign up in order to get. Replace this with yours.
nypl_auth_token = 'your_authentication_token'
# Gets search results
def get_search_results(query, is_public_domain_only, pagination):
print('Getting search results...\n\n')
# Generating the final api link
# We searched 'Public Domain Only' collections
search_url = base_api_url + query + '&publicDomainOnly=' + is_public_domain_only + '&per_page=' + str(pagination)
# Creating custom headers for GET request
# This Authorization headers is required for access to api
auth_headers = {'Authorization': 'Token token=' + nypl_auth_token}
# GET request with using Requests library
req = requests.get(search_url, headers=auth_headers)
binary = req.content
jsonData = json.loads(binary)
# Getting result json array from the response json
results_array = jsonData['nyplAPI']['response']['result']
# Downloading images
for result in results_array:
# This method is little bit different.
# It's not using the API but still can get photos from the url
# There is no query options. It's based on image_id
# Downloads images starting from an image id number
# I'm not sure it is legal. Not advising to use
def download_images_with_public_url():
print('Download started...')
image_id = 0
for x in range(0, 50):
print 'Downloading image no ' + str(image_id)
photo_url = '' + str(image_id) + '&t=w&download=0'
# Method for downloading images
urllib.urlretrieve(photo_url, str(image_id) + '.jpg')
image_id += 1
print 'Image saved to file ' + str(image_id) + '.jpg'
# This method download images with using public api
# Downloads photo with the given image_id
def download_images_with_api(image_id):
print('Download started...')
photo_url = '' + str(image_id) + '&t=w&download=0'
# Method for downloading images
urllib.urlretrieve(photo_url, str(image_id) + '.jpg')
print 'Image saved to file ' + str(image_id) + '.jpg'
# Written by Can Uludag
# Co-Founder at Peakode & Lead Android Engineer
import GetNYPLCollectionImagesHelper as helper
if __name__ == '__main__':
helper.get_search_results('query_keyword', 'true', 100)
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peakode commented Jan 19, 2016

Lütfen kişisel amaçlı kullanın. Örnekte Public Domain Only arama kriteri kullanılmıştır ve o imajlar indirilmektedir.

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peakode commented Jan 19, 2016

Please use it for personal use. In the example above, we used 'Public Domain Only' search criteria and downloaded these type images.

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