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Last active October 23, 2022 10:55
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ValueRef add(ValueRef left, ValueRef right) {
// Canonical commutation: x + y => y + x (constants have negative pos and move to the left)
if (left.pos > right.pos) SWAP(left, right);
switch (left.op) {
case NEG:
// Strength reduction: (-x) + y => y - x
return sub(right, getleft(left));
case NUM:
// Strength reduction: 0 + x => x
if (getnum(left) == 0) return right;
// Constant folding: n1 + n2 => n
if (right.op == NUM) return num(getnum(left) + getnum(right));
switch (right.op) {
case NEG:
// Strength reduction: x + (-y) => x - y
return sub(left, getleft(right));
case ADD:
// Reassociation: x + (y + z) => (x + y) + z
return add(add(left, getleft(right)), getright(right));
return binary_cse(left, right, ADD);
cmp rdi, rdx
mov r9, rcx
mov r10, rdx
cmovle r9, rsi
cmovle r10, rdi
cmovle rsi, rcx
cmovle rdi, rdx
test r9, r9
je .L33
cmp r9, 1
jne .L34
movsx rdx, WORD PTR buffer[262148+r10*8]
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR buffer[262144+rdx*8]
jmp sub
mov eax, DWORD PTR buffer[262148+r10*8]
test eax, eax
je .L49
test rsi, rsi
je .L50
cmp rsi, 1
je .L40
push r13
push r12
sub rsp, 8
cmp rsi, 2
je .L41
mov rdx, rdi
mov rcx, rsi
mov r8d, 2
mov rdi, r10
mov rsi, r9
call binary_cse_pos
add rsp, 8
mov edx, 2
pop r12
pop r13
lea rax, buffer[262144+rdi*8]
mov rsi, r9
mov rdi, r10
movsx rdx, WORD PTR [rax+4]
movsx r12, WORD PTR [rax+6]
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR buffer[262144+rdx*8]
movzx r13d, BYTE PTR buffer[262144+r12*8]
call add
add rsp, 8
mov rcx, r13
mov rsi, rdx
mov rdi, rax
mov rdx, r12
pop r12
pop r13
jmp add
movsx rdx, WORD PTR buffer[262148+rdi*8]
mov rsi, r9
mov rdi, r10
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR buffer[262144+rdx*8]
jmp sub
mov rax, rdi
mov rdx, rsi
movsx rdx, WORD PTR bottom[rip]
add eax, DWORD PTR buffer[262148+rdi*8]
mov rcx, rdx
test rdx, rdx
js .L39
jmp .L37
add rdx, 1
je .L37
cmp eax, DWORD PTR buffer[262148+rdx*8]
jne .L51
mov rax, rdx
xor edx, edx
lea edx, [rcx-1]
mov WORD PTR bottom[rip], dx
movsx rdx, dx
mov QWORD PTR buffer[262144+rdx*8], 0
mov DWORD PTR buffer[262148+rdx*8], eax
jmp .L38
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