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Last active March 10, 2023 14:15
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(ns bb-test-runner.core
"Wrap cognitect.test-runner but expands stackframes to show
file and line number of the babshka sources"
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]
[clojure.stacktrace :as stacktrace]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :as test]
[sci.core :as sci]))
(defmacro try-expr
"Used by the 'is' macro to catch unexpected exceptions.
You don't call this."
{:added "1.1"}
[msg form]
`(try ~(clojure.test/assert-expr msg form)
(catch ~(with-meta 'Exception {:sci/error true}) t#
(clojure.test/do-report {:type :error, :message ~msg,
:expected '~form, :actual t#}))))
(alter-var-root #'clojure.test/try-expr (constantly @#'try-expr))
(defn right-pad [s n]
(let [n (- n (count s))]
(str s (str/join (repeat n " ")))))
(defn format-stacktrace [st]
(let [st (force st)
data (keep (fn [{:keys [:file :ns :line :column :sci/built-in
nom :name}]
(when (or line built-in)
{:name (str (if nom
(str ns "/" nom)
(when local
(str "#" local)))
:loc (str (or (some->> file (fs/relativize (fs/cwd)))
(if built-in
(when line
(str ":" line ":" column)))}))
max-name (reduce max 0 (map (comp count :name) data))]
(mapv (fn [{:keys [:name :loc]}]
(str (right-pad name max-name) " - " loc))
(defn testing-vars-str
(let [{:keys [file line]} m]
(reverse (map #(:name (meta %)) clojure.test/*testing-vars*))
" (" (when (and file (not= "<expr>" file))
(fs/relativize (fs/cwd) file)) ":" line ")")))
(defn print-stack-trace [e]
(stacktrace/print-throwable (.getCause e))
(->> e
(run! println)))
(defn report-error [m]
(test/inc-report-counter :error)
(println "\nERROR in" (testing-vars-str m))
(when-let [message (:message m)] (println message))
(println "expected:" (pr-str (:expected m)))
(print " actual: ")
(let [actual (:actual m)]
(if (instance? Throwable actual)
(if (= :sci/error (-> actual ex-data :type))
(print-stack-trace actual)
(clojure.stacktrace/print-cause-trace actual))
(prn actual))))
(defn with-error-reporting [f]
(let [original-report clojure.test/report]
(with-redefs [clojure.test/report
(fn [event]
(if (and (= :error (:type event))
(instance? Throwable (:actual event)))
(report-error event)
(original-report event)))]
(defn -main [& args]
(with-error-reporting (fn [] (apply cognitect.test-runner/-main args))))
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