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Last active July 27, 2019 09:28
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Import images & data from a QuPath v0.2.0-m2 project to v0.2.0-m3
* Script to import images & data from a QuPath v0.2.0-m2 project to v0.2.0-m3.
* The script should be called from v0.2.0-m3, with a project already open.
* You'll be prompted to select a .qpproj file from v0.2.0-m2.
* Any compatible images will then be added to the m3 project, a new thumbnail
* created, and any data file transferred.
* Warning: Use with caution!
* Make sure any projects involved are backed up, and be on the lookout for
* errors or incompatibilities. In particular, files containing many images
* (read by Bio-Formats) can be problematic.
* Check everything!
import javafx.application.Platform
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.gui.commands.ProjectImportImagesCommand
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServer
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServerBuilder
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServerProvider
import qupath.lib.images.servers.bioformats.BioFormatsImageServer
import qupath.lib.images.servers.bioformats.BioFormatsServerBuilder
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.nio.file.Paths
import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*
def qupath = getQuPath()
def project = qupath.getProject()
if (project == null) {
print 'Please open a project! Entries will be imported from m2 to the current project.'
print 'Please select v0.2.0-m2 project file'
def fileM2 = qupath.getDialogHelper().promptForFile(
"Choose m2 project file",
"Project file",
if (fileM2 == null)
def dirDataM2 = new File(fileM2.getParentFile(), 'data')
// Keep a record of troubles
def problems = new StringBuilder()
// Loop through entries from M2
def gson = new Gson()
JsonObject jsonM2 = gson.fromJson(fileM2.text, JsonObject.class)
def imagesM2 = jsonM2.get("images").getAsJsonArray()
for (temp in imagesM2) {
def entryM2 = gson.fromJson(temp, EntryM2.class)
print 'Importing ' + entryM2
try {
// We assume the path is a URI, but some Bio-Formats paths contained a fragment (in M2)
// We need to extract the fragment & use it to identify the series
String pathM2 = entryM2.path
String[] args = new String[0]
def uriM2 = GeneralTools.toURI(pathM2)
ImageServer<BufferedImage> server
if (uriM2.getFragment()) {
// If we have a fragment, assume we have a Bio-Formats server - and build it
args = ['--series', uriM2.getFragment()] as String[]
uriM2 = GeneralTools.toPath(uriM2).toUri()
server = new BioFormatsImageServer(uriM2, args)
} else {
// If we don't have a fragment, build whatever server we can
server = ImageServerProvider.buildServer(pathM2, BufferedImage.class, args)
// Create a new entry in the m3 project
def builder = server.getBuilder()
if (!(builder instanceof ImageServerBuilder.DefaultImageServerBuilder)) {
throw new IOException("Cannot import builder " + builder)
def entry = project.addImage(builder)
// Set the name & thumbnail
def imgThumbnail = ProjectImportImagesCommand.getThumbnailRGB(server, null)
// Open any data file we find & write in the m3 project
def fileDataM2 = Paths.get(dirDataM2.getAbsolutePath(), entryM2.uniqueName, 'data.qpdata').toFile()
if (fileDataM2.exists()) {
def imageDataM2 = PathIO.readImageData(fileDataM2, null, server, BufferedImage.class)
} catch (Exception e) {
print e
problems << System.lineSeparator() << entryM2.toString()
print 'Done!'
Platform.runLater {
if (problems.size() > 0) {
print 'Unable to import:'
print problems.toString()
class EntryM2 {
String path
String name
String uniqueName
public String toString() {
return path + '\t' + name + '\t' + uniqueName
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