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Created September 2, 2017 08:23
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'use strict';
const assert = require("assert");
const sinon = require("sinon");
const aws = require("aws-sdk");
const spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
aws.config.update({region: "us-east-1" });
describe("AWSLambdaToTest", function()
const testLambdaFns = require("../src/TestLambda.js");
let dynamoInstance;
let db;
dynamoInstance = spawn('/usr/local/bin/dynamodb-local', ['-inMemory']);
db = new aws.DynamoDB({ endpoint: "http://localhost:8000" });
after(() => dynamoInstance.kill());
const createTable = function()
var params =
TableName: "TestTable",
KeySchema: [{ AttributeName: "emailAddress", KeyType: "HASH" }],
{ AttributeName: "emailAddress", AttributeType: "S" },
ReadCapacityUnits: 10,
WriteCapacityUnits: 10
return db.createTable(params).promise();
const dropTable = function()
return db.deleteTable({ TableName: "TestTable"}).promise();
return createTable()
.then(() => db.waitFor("tableExists", { TableName: "TestTable"}));
return dropTable()
.then(() => db.waitFor("tableNotExists", { TableName: "TestTable"}))
describe("When querying an empty db for a user", function()
it("Returns {}", function()
return testLambdaFns._test.findUserByEmailAddress(ARBITRARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS)
.then(res =>
assert(JSON.stringify(res) === "{}");
describe("When adding a user to an empty db", function()
it("Doesn't error - it can return nothing", function()
return testLambdaFns._test.addUser(ARBITRARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
describe("When finding a user", function()
it("Can be updated", function()
return testLambdaFns._test.addUser(ARBITRARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS)
.then(() => testLambdaFns._test.findUserByEmailAddress(ARBITRARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS))
.then(res =>
const info =
Name: "Fred",
FavouriteProgrammingBook: "The C Programming Language"
return testLambdaFns._test.updateUserInfo(res.Item, info)
.then(updatedUser =>
assert(updatedUser.version == 1);
describe("When valid request sent", function()
describe("ONE", function()
it("ONE", function() { assert(true); });
describe("for non-added user", function()
it("succeeds", function()
const req =
Name:"Fred Blogs",
FavouriteProgrammingBook:"Modern C++ Design"
return testLambdaFns._test.updateOrAddUser(req)
.then(res =>
assert(res.emailAddress == ARBITRARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
describe("TWO", function()
it("TWO", function() { });
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