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Created August 23, 2016 14:25
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(ns versioned.crud-api-attributes
(:require [versioned.model-support :as model-support]
[versioned.model-spec :as model-spec :refer [Model]]
[versioned.json-api :as json-api]
[versioned.model-attributes :refer [api-writable-attributes api-readable-attributes]]
[versioned.crud-api-audit :refer [updated-by created-by save-changelog]]
[versioned.crud-api-types :refer [coerce-attribute-types]]
[clojure.spec :as s]
[schema.core :as schema]))
(def Map {schema/Keyword schema/Any})
(def Attributes Map)
(def AttributeKeys #{schema/Keyword})
(def Request Map)
; (s/fdef write-attributes
; :args (s/cat :model ::model-spec/model :attributes map?)
; :ret map?)
(schema/defn write-attributes :- Attributes
[model :- Model attributes :- Attributes]
(->> attributes
(api-writable-attributes (:schema model))
(coerce-attribute-types (:schema model))))
; (s/fdef read-attributes
; :args (s/cat :model ::model-spec/model :attributes map?)
; :ret map?)
(schema/defn read-attributes :- Attributes
[model :- Model attributes :- Attributes]
(->> attributes
(api-readable-attributes (:schema model))))
; (s/fdef create-attributes
; :args (s/cat :model ::model-spec/model :request map? :attributes map?)
; :ret map?)
(schema/defn create-attributes :- Attributes
[model :- Model request :- Request attributes :- Attributes]
(merge (write-attributes model attributes)
(created-by request)))
; (s/fdef update-attributes
; :args (s/cat :model ::model-spec/model :request map? :attributes map?)
; :ret map?)
(schema/defn update-attributes :- Attributes
[model :- Model request :- Request attributes :- Attributes]
(merge (write-attributes model attributes)
(model-support/id-query model (json-api/id request))
(updated-by request)))
; (s/fdef invalid-attributes
; :args (s/cat :model ::model-spec/model :request map?)
; :ret map?)
(schema/defn invalid-attributes :- (schema/maybe AttributeKeys)
[model :- Model request :- Request]
(not-empty (clojure.set/difference (set (keys (json-api/attributes model request)))
(set (keys (get-in model [:schema :properties]))))))
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