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Created December 7, 2020 12:30
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JPA CriteriaBuilder with Sub-String Matching
// Take sub-string before first space ' ' if there is any or else take the whole string
private static Expression<String> nameSplit(
Root<Person> root,
CriteriaBuilder builder,
SingularAttribute<Person, String> str
) {
Expression<Integer> indexStart = builder.literal(1);
Expression<Integer> indexOfFirstSpace = builder.locate(root.get(str), " ");
Expression<Integer> stringLength = builder.length(root.get(str));
// if indexOfFirstSpace = 0, then no space ' ' is found
Predicate notFound = builder.equal(indexOfFirstSpace, builder.literal(0));
// indexEnd = index of the first space ' ' or whole string if there isn't any space ' '
Expression<Integer> indexEnd = builder.<Integer>selectCase().when(notFound, stringLength).otherwise(indexOfFirstSpace);
return builder.trim(builder.substring(root.get(str), indexStart, indexEnd));
private static Expression<String> firstNameSplit(final Root<Person> root, final CriteriaBuilder builder) {
return nameSplit(root, builder, Person_.firstNameNormalized);
public static Specification<Person> getSpecificationByFilter(SimilarPersonFilter filter) {
return (root, query, builder) -> SimilarOrganisationSpecification.buildCompetitionEntryFilterPredicate(filter, root, query, builder);
private static Predicate buildCompetitionEntryFilterPredicate(
SimilarPersonFilter filter,
Root<Organisation> root,
CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder builder
) {
List<Predicate> orPredicates = new ArrayList<>();
Expression<String> fistNameSplit = firstNameSplit(root, builder);
builder.equal(fistNameSplit, filter.getFirstNameNormalizedSplit()),
builder.equal(root.get(Person_.lastNameNormalized), filter.getLastNameNormalized()),
// other predicates
return builder.or(toArray(orPredicates));
private static Predicate[] toArray(List<Predicate> predicates) {
return predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]);
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