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Created May 2, 2019 17:25
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Aperture Science luggage tag, for CSE 340
// rotate, translate, mirror (solid)
// union,
// difference (subtract shapes),
// hull (fills bounding box as tight as shape input)
// linear extrusion is a thing
// Inner triangle shape
// polygon(points=[[0, 0], [100, 0], [0, 100],
// [15, 15], [65, 16], [15, 65]],
// paths=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]);
// also can import a dxf file
// extrudding text works too!
// % shows something tarnsparently
// $fn sets resolution (lower for high perf)
// module name() {} // functon!
// Can use for loops
// Can use other people's libraries
diameter = 60;
length = 100;
color("black", 0.3)
//difference() {
// hull() {
// translate([0, diameter / 2, 0])
// cylinder(h = 2, d = diameter);
// translate([length, diameter / 2, 0])
// cylinder(h = 2, d = diameter);
// }
// // Cirlce for nametag hole
// translate([length, diameter / 2, -2])
// cylinder(h = 6, d = 20);
color("red", 1)
linear_extrude(height = 5)
translate([27, diameter / 2 - 5, 0])
//linear_extrude(height = 5)
//translate([0, diameter / 2 - 10, 3])
//%text("tag", size = 5);
difference() {
hull() {
// Draw the nametag itself!
translate([length / 2, diameter / 2, 0])
roundedcube([diameter * 1.8, diameter - 20, 1], true, 1.7, "z");
// Cirlce for nametag hole
translate([(length / 2) + 40, diameter / 2, -5])
cylinder(h = 10, d = 15);
// (with modified style, of course)
$fn = 120;
module aperture_logo(radius, thickness)
beam_thickness = 0.07 * radius;
ratio = 0.6;
beam_x_dist = ratio*radius * cos(360/16) - beam_thickness/2;
rotate (12.5)
difference() {
cylinder(h = thickness, r = radius, center = true);
rotate(22.5) cylinder(h = thickness, r = radius * ratio, $fn = 8, center = true);
for (r = [0:45:315]) {
translate([/*radius * ratio - 5*/ beam_x_dist, ratio * radius, 0])
cube([beam_thickness,radius,thickness], center = true);
//translate([radius * 0.7 - 5,-0.5*radius,0]) cube([5,radius,5], center = true);
// Move the aperture logo and draw it
translate([(length / 2) - 37, diameter / 2, 3])
aperture_logo(11, 7);
// These cylinders gave a bridge to connect
// all of the pieces.
// Since we're printing right onto the nametag,
// the nametag acts as the bridge.
//cylinder(h = 2, r = 12.5, center = true);
//cylinder(h = 2, r = 10, center = true);
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