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Created September 16, 2015 18:48
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package streams
import common._
* This component implements the solver for the Bloxorz game
trait Solver extends GameDef {
* Returns `true` if the block `b` is at the final position
def done(b: Block): Boolean = b.b1 == goal && b.b2 == goal
* This function takes two arguments: the current block `b` and
* a list of moves `history` that was required to reach the
* position of `b`.
* The `head` element of the `history` list is the latest move
* that was executed, i.e. the last move that was performed for
* the block to end up at position `b`.
* The function returns a stream of pairs: the first element of
* the each pair is a neighboring block, and the second element
* is the augmented history of moves required to reach this block.
* It should only return valid neighbors, i.e. block positions
* that are inside the terrain.
def neighborsWithHistory(b: Block, history: List[Move]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = { case (b2, m) => (b2, m :: history) }.toStream
* This function returns the list of neighbors without the block
* positions that have already been explored. We will use it to
* make sure that we don't explore circular paths.
def newNeighborsOnly(neighbors: Stream[(Block, List[Move])],
explored: Set[Block]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] =
neighbors.filter { case (b, h) => !explored.contains(b) }.toStream
* The function `from` returns the stream of all possible paths
* that can be followed, starting at the `head` of the `initial`
* stream.
* The blocks in the stream `initial` are sorted by ascending path
* length: the block positions with the shortest paths (length of
* move list) are at the head of the stream.
* The parameter `explored` is a set of block positions that have
* been visited before, on the path to any of the blocks in the
* stream `initial`. When search reaches a block that has already
* been explored before, that position should not be included a
* second time to avoid circles.
* The resulting stream should be sorted by ascending path length,
* i.e. the block positions that can be reached with the fewest
* amount of moves should appear first in the stream.
* Note: the solution should not look at or compare the lengths
* of different paths - the implementation should naturally
* construct the correctly sorted stream.
def from(initial: Stream[(Block, List[Move])],
explored: Set[Block]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = {
if (initial.isEmpty)
else {
val (block, history) = initial.head
val nwh = neighborsWithHistory(block, history)
val nno = newNeighborsOnly(nwh, explored)
val newInitial = initial.tail union nno
val newBlocks = => ns._1).toSet
//val newExplored = explored union newBlocks
val newExplored = explored + block
initial.head #:: from(newInitial, newExplored)
def from(openFifo, closedSet)
pop the head from the openFifo
generate (new) neighbors of the popped head
push neighbors to end of openFifo
add neighbors to closedSet
return head #:: from(updatedOpenFifo, updatedClosedSet)
def from(paths: Set[Path], explored: Set[State]): Stream[Set[Path]] =
if (paths.isEmpty)
else {
val more = for {
path <- paths
next <- moves map path.extend
if !(explored contains next.endState)
} yield next
paths #:: from(more, explored ++ (more map (_.endState)))
* The stream of all paths that begin at the starting block.
lazy val pathsFromStart: Stream[(Block, List[Move])] =
from(Stream((startBlock, List[Move]())), Set())
* Returns a stream of all possible pairs of the goal block along
* with the history how it was reached.
lazy val pathsToGoal: Stream[(Block, List[Move])] =
pathsFromStart.filter(x => done(x._1))
* The (or one of the) shortest sequence(s) of moves to reach the
* goal. If the goal cannot be reached, the empty list is returned.
* Note: the `head` element of the returned list should represent
* the first move that the player should perform from the starting
* position.
lazy val solution: List[Move] =
if (pathsToGoal == Stream.Empty)
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