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Last active December 21, 2015 14:59
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Consuming a twitter feed with OAuth
object twitter {
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.libs.oauth._
val key = ConsumerKey("XXXX", "XXXX")
val twitter = OAuth(ServiceInfo(
"", key),
val readBBC = () => {
WS.url("").get( resp => Iteratee.fold(0) { (i:Int, el:Array[Byte] ) => println(el); i + 1} )
val auth = OAuthCalculator(twitter.key, RequestToken("XXXX", "XXXX"))
// In console, with Play on the classpath
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
// Plain read
WS.url("").sign(twitter.auth) (println)
// Iteratee read
WS.url("").sign(twitter.auth).get( resp => Iteratee.fold(0) { (i:Int, el:Array[Byte] ) => println(el); i + 1} )
// Iteratee read from the streaming sample (showing the total bytes received so far
// (How do you stop this?)
WS.url("").sign(twitter.auth).get( resp => Iteratee.fold(0) { (i:Int, el:Array[Byte] ) => println("]] " + i + el.length); i + el.length} )
// Or, a bit more organized, make a signed request and a counter
// Note that this tries to stop it after a while, though a bit clumsily by resetting the client
val signedReq = WS.url("").sign(twitter.auth)
val counter = { r:ResponseHeaders => Iteratee.fold(0) { (count:Int, chunk:Array[Byte]) => if (count < 100000) { println(count); count + chunk.length } else { WS.resetClient(); 0} } }
// And then
// Now let's get some Json out of it
import play.api.libs.json._
val timestampPrinter = { r:ResponseHeaders => Iteratee.fold(0) { (count:Int, chunk:Array[Byte]) => if (count < 100000) { val j = Json.parse(chunk) \ "created_at"; println(s"$count, $j"); count + chunk.length } else { WS.resetClient(); 0} } }
// And here's one that prints the tweet as they are streamed. j is for json, t is for tweet
val tweetPrinter = { r:ResponseHeaders => Iteratee.fold(0) { (count:Int, chunk:Array[Byte]) => if (count < 20) { val j = Json.parse(chunk); val t = (j\"created_at", j\"id", j\"text"); println(s"$count, $t"); count + 1 } else { WS.resetClient(); 0} } }
// Don't forget to actually run it!
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