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Last active September 16, 2021 13:37
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* refactored version as part of an answer at Stackoverflow
* - []
(function (global, Reflect, Math, Number, Array, Function) {
'use strict';
* @typedef {Object} clockedControllerClockData
* @param {number} interval - interval-value in milliseconds.
* @param {number} startTime - time of first invocation in milliseconds.
* @param {number} timestamp - time of current invocation in milliseconds.
* @param {number} count - current invocation-count since first invocation; `count` value of 1st invocation is `1`.
* A data object which holds all the necessary references
* in order to properly run any controller logic.
* @typedef {Object} clockedControllerData
* @param {clockedControllerClockData} clock
* @param {(Object|null)} target
* @param {Array} args
* @param {Function} proceed
* @param {Function} terminate
* A callback function which acts like a pre-processor which e.g. can decide
* whether to proceed with or terminate the original functions `clocked` version.
* @callback clockedController
* @param {clockedControllerData} data
* A data object which holds all the necessary references
* in order to properly run any controller logic.
const { isFinite, parseInt } = Number;
const { setInterval, clearInterval } = global;
function isFunction(value) {
return (
typeof value === 'function' &&
typeof === 'function' &&
typeof value.apply === 'function'
function getSanitizedTarget(value) {
return value ?? null;
function getSanitizedInteger(value) {
value = parseInt(value, 10);
return isFinite(value) ? value : 0;
function getSanitizedPositiveInteger(value) {
return Math.max(getSanitizedInteger(value), 0);
* Returns a function, that, invoked initially once, will continuously auto-invoke
* the original function every amount of milliseconds, as it was parametrized by
* this methods `interval` argument. It does so until the additional `terminate`
* method of the returned wrapper function gets called.
* This methods second parameter - `target` - provides the object/context a `clocked`
* method can act upon.
* This methods third parameter - `controller` - enables the even more precise
* customized handling of how to run a `clocked` function/method.
* @param {number=} interval - The optional interval value; expected to be grater than zero and assuming milliseconds.
* @param {*=} target - The function's/method's optional target object.
* @param {clockedController=} controller
* The optional callback function which acts like a pre-processor where additionally
* provided program logic might e.g. decide whether to proceed with or terminate
* the original functions `clocked` version.
* @returns {Function}
* The original function's/method's `clocked` version.
function createClockedFunction(interval/*, delay*/, target, controller) {
const proceed = this;
let thisArg;
let argsArr;
let clockCount = null;
let clockStart = null;
let timerId = null;
target = getSanitizedTarget(target);
interval = getSanitizedPositiveInteger(interval) || DEFAULT_INTERVAL;
function triggerController() {
clock: {
startTime: clockStart,
count: ++clockCount,
target: thisArg,
args: [...argsArr],
function triggerProceed() {
proceed.apply(thisArg, argsArr);
function terminate() {
timerId = null;
clockStart = null;
clockCount = null;
function isActive() {
return (timerId !== null);
function clocked(...argumentsArray) {
// a `clocked` method's target can be delegated at call time, thus
// it overrules the target which was provided at composition time.
thisArg = getSanitizedTarget(this) ?? target;
argsArr = argumentsArray;
if (isActive()) {
clockCount = 0;
clockStart =;
const trigger = isFunction(controller)
? triggerController
: triggerProceed;
timerId = setInterval(trigger, interval);
clocked.terminate = terminate;
clocked.isActive = isActive;
return (isFunction(proceed) && clocked) || proceed;
createClockedFunction.toString = () => 'clocked() { [native code] }';
Reflect.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'clocked', {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: createClockedFunction,
}((window || global || this), Reflect, Math, Number, Array, Function));
function argsAndContextTest01() {
function test(...argsArr) {
console.log('argsArr, this : ', argsArr, this);
function logActiveState() {
console.log('argsAndContextTest01 :: clockedTest.isActive() ? ', clockedTest.isActive())
const clockedTest = test.clocked(2000, { id: "test" });
clockedTest("quick", "brown", "fox");
setTimeout(() => clockedTest.terminate(), 5000);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 500);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 3000);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 4500);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 6000);
function argsAndContextTest02() {
function contextualWelcome(name) {
console.log(`${ this.greeting }, ${ name }.`);
function logActiveState() {
console.log('argsAndContextTest02 :: clockedWelcome.isActive() ? ', clockedWelcome.isActive())
const clockedWelcome = contextualWelcome.clocked(1000);{ greeting: 'Good morning' }, 'Mrs Smith');
setTimeout(() => clockedWelcome.terminate(), 3500);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 750);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 1500);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 2250);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 3000);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 3750);
function controllerTest() {
function contextualWelcome(name) {
console.log(`${ this.greeting }, ${ name }.`);
function logActiveState() {
console.log('argsAndContextTest02 :: clockedWelcome.isActive() ? ', clockedWelcome.isActive())
function controller(data) {
const { clock: { interval, startTime, timestamp, count }, target, args, proceed, terminate } = data;
const passedTime = timestamp - startTime;
const passedSeconds = passedTime / 1000;
if (count > 5) {
} else {
proceed.apply(target, args);
const clockedWelcome = contextualWelcome.clocked(500, { greeting: 'Good evening' }, controller);
setTimeout(() => clockedWelcome.terminate(), 3500);
setTimeout(() => clockedWelcome('Mr Snider'), 200);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 100);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 1100);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 2100);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 3100);
setTimeout(logActiveState, 4100);
function originalProblemTest() {
// the OP's former custom callback turned into a clocked controller function.
function controller(data) {
const { clock: { count }, terminate } = data;
if (count > 5) {
} else {
console.log({ count });
(() => {}).clocked(50, null, controller).call();
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