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Last active July 16, 2016 11:31
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(function (Function, Array) {
function_prototype = Function.prototype,
isFunction = (function (TYPEOF_FUNCTION) {
return function (type) {
return ((typeof type == TYPEOF_FUNCTION)
&& (typeof == TYPEOF_FUNCTION)
&& (typeof type.apply == TYPEOF_FUNCTION)
}(typeof function_prototype)),
isObject = function (type) {
return (!!type && (typeof type == "object"));
array_from = (isFunction(Array.from) && Array.from) || (function (array_prototype_slice) {
return function (type) {
function extendType(SuperType, protoType) {
BaseType = this;
protoType = (isObject(protoType) && protoType) || (isFunction(SuperType) && (new SuperType));
function SubType() {
type = this;
if (isFunction(SuperType)) {
SuperType.apply(type, arguments);
if (isFunction(BaseType)) {
BaseType.apply(type, arguments);
return type;
if (protoType) {
SubType.prototype = protoType;
return SubType;
function withTraits() {
Type = this,
traitList = array_from(arguments);
function composeType() {
type/ * = this* /,
args = arguments;
if (this instanceof composeType) {
type = composeType.apply(null, args);
} else if (isFunction(Type)) {
type = (new Type(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]));
//type = (new Type);
applyTraitList(traitList, args, type)
return type; // [Object | undefined]
return composeType;
function withTraits() {
Type = this,
protoType = (isFunction(Type) && (new Type)),
traitList = array_from(arguments);
function ComposedType() {
type = this;
applyTraitList(traitList, arguments, type);
return type;
if (protoType) {
ComposedType.prototype = protoType;
return ComposedType;
function applyTraitList(traitList, args, type) {
traitList.forEach(function (Trait) {
if (isFunction(Trait)) {
Trait.apply(type, args);
function_prototype.extendType = extendType;
function_prototype.withTraits = withTraits;
return Function;
}(Function, Array));
- Simple - 658 byte
(function(g,d){function h(a,b,c){a.forEach(function(a){e(a)&&a.apply(c,b)})}var f=g.prototype,e=function(a){return function(b){return typeof b==a&&typeof b.apply==a}}(typeof f),k=e(d.from)&&d.from||function(a){return function(b){return}}(d.prototype.slice);f.extendType=function(a,b){function c(){e(a)&&a.apply(this,arguments);e(d)&&d.apply(this,arguments);return this}var d=this;if(b=!!b&&"object"==typeof b&&b||e(a)&&new a)c.prototype=b;return c};f.withTraits=function(){function a(){h(c,arguments,this);return this}var b=e(this)&&new this,c=k(arguments);c.unshift(this);b&&(a.prototype=b);return a};return g})(Function,Array);
function BaseType (state, options, traitList) {
this.getState = function () {
return state;
this.getOptions = function () {
return options;
this.getTraitList = function () {
return traitList;
BaseType.prototype = (new BaseType({}, {}, []));
function SpecificType(state) {
this.getType = function () {
return state.type;
function UnspecificType() {}
function withTypeTrait(state) {
this.getType = function () {
return state.type;
function withFooTrait(state) {
this.getFoo = function () {
function withBarTrait(state) {
this.getBar = function () {
var myType;
var MyExtendedType = SpecificType.extendType(BaseType/*, {}*/);
myType = new MyExtendedType({type: "my_extended_type"});
console.log("Object.keys(myType) : ", Object.keys(myType));
console.log("(myType instanceof MyExtendedType) ? ", (myType instanceof MyExtendedType));
console.log("(myType instanceof BaseType) ? ", (myType instanceof BaseType));
console.log("(myType instanceof SpecificType) ? ", (myType instanceof SpecificType));
console.log("myType.getType() : ", myType.getType());
var MyComposedType = UnspecificType.withTraits(withTypeTrait, withFooTrait, withBarTrait);
myType = new MyComposedType({type: "my_composed_type", foo: "foo foo", bar: "bar bar bar"});
console.log("Object.keys(myType) : ", Object.keys(myType));
console.log("(myType instanceof MyComposedType) ? ", (myType instanceof MyComposedType));
console.log("(myType instanceof BaseType) ? ", (myType instanceof BaseType));
console.log("(myType instanceof UnspecificType) ? ", (myType instanceof UnspecificType));
console.log("myType.getType() : ", myType.getType());
console.log("myType.getFoo() : ", myType.getFoo());
console.log("myType.getBar() : ", myType.getBar());
var MyCompositeType = SpecificType.extendType(BaseType).withTraits(withFooTrait, withBarTrait);
myType = new MyCompositeType({type: "my_composite_type", foo: "foo", bar: "bar bar"});
console.log("Object.keys(myType) : ", Object.keys(myType));
console.log("(myType instanceof MyCompositeType) ? ", (myType instanceof MyCompositeType));
console.log("(myType instanceof BaseType) ? ", (myType instanceof BaseType));
console.log("(myType instanceof SpecificType) ? ", (myType instanceof SpecificType));
console.log("myType.getType() : ", myType.getType());
console.log("myType.getFoo() : ", myType.getFoo());
console.log("myType.getBar() : ", myType.getBar());
var BaseTypeModule = (function () {
baseTypeState = {},
baseTypeOptions = {},
baseTypeTraitList = [];
function BaseType (state, options, traitList) {
this.getState = function () {
return state;
this.getOptions = function () {
return options;
this.getTraitList = function () {
return traitList;
BaseType.prototype = createType(baseTypeState, baseTypeOptions, baseTypeTraitList);
function createType(state, options, traitList) {
return (new BaseType(state, options, traitList))
function isBaseType(type) {
return (type instanceof BaseType);
function getConstructor() {
return BaseType;
return {
create : createType,
isBaseType : isBaseType,
getConstructor : getConstructor
var MyTypeModule = (function (BaseTypeModule) {
MyType = SpecificType.extendType(BaseTypeModule.getConstructor()/*, {}*/);
function SpecificType(state) {
this.getType = function () {
return state.type;
function createType(state, options, traitList) {
return (new MyType(state, options, traitList))
function isMyType(type) {
return (type instanceof MyType);
function getConstructor() {
return MyType;
return {
create : createType,
isMyType : isMyType,
getConstructor : getConstructor
var myType = MyTypeModule.create({type: "mytype"});
console.log("Object.keys(myType) : ", Object.keys(myType));
console.log("MyTypeModule.isMyType ? ", MyTypeModule.isMyType(myType));
console.log("BaseTypeModule.isBaseType ? ", BaseTypeModule.isBaseType(myType));
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